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Your Role as Cascade Site Manager

Sharing web responsibilities across the university.

As a Site Manager within Cascade, you play a crucial role in the governance and management of the university's web presence. The following information explains the role and responsibilities of a Cascade Manager as well as the supporting role of University Web & Design (UW&D).

Definition of Terms
Cascade CMS (aka Cascade)
  • the official content management system of the university
Cascade Site (aka Site)
  • a portion of CMS content within Cascade under the oversight of a Cascade Site Manager
  • having distinct website content, website editors, permission groups and system resources
  • usually publishing to a separate sub-domain (e.g., or
    • exception: A&S publishes to a sub-folder ( 
Cascade Site Manager (aka Cascade Manager or Site Manager)
  • an individual with extraordinary permissions within a Cascade Site
  • responsible for managing website content, website editors, permission groups and system resources for a Cascade Site
permission group
  • a Cascade construct assigning specific abilities to particular website editors
  • a group generally relates to either features or folders (not both)
  • for example: {site}__{featurename} or {site}_{foldername}
University Web & Design (aka UW&D)
  • a team within University Communications
  • responsible for
    • maintaining Cascade and the features available to all Sites
    • acting as Site Manager for the main Site (
    • supporting Site Managers for all other Sites
    • managing strategic top-level content within the main Site (
  • primary contact: [[creative]]
  • a folder within a Cascade Site that houses content for a department, office, program or center
website editor
  • an individual user of Cascade responsible for maintaining a website's content

Selecting, Training and Supporting Site Managers
Site Managers
  • SHALL be appointed by the respective Dean or Vice President governing the Site
  • SHALL utilize the Cascade Help website, including the Manager Help section
  • MAY contact UW&D for assistance when the Cascade Help website is unclear
  • SHALL provide training for new Site Managers
  • SHALL maintain the Cascade Help website, including the Manager's section
  • SHALL respond to specific questions from Site Managers

Content Governance
Site Managers
  • SHALL enforce best-practice accessibility standards
  • MAY implement/resolve each issue personally
    • or MAY refer an issue to the respective website editor
    • and SHALL follow up to verify it was implemented/resolved
  • SHALL enforce content standards
    • including:
      • decisions & policies of the university
      • decisions & policies of the respective Dean or Vice President
    • MAY implement/resolve each issue personally
      • or MAY refer an issue to the respective website editor
      • and SHALL follow up to verify it was implemented/resolved
  • MAY enforce best-practice accessibility standards within any Site
    • if discovered, Site-level issues SHALL be referred to the respective Site Manager for remediation
  • MAY enforce university content standards within any Site
    • if discovered, Site-level issues SHALL be referred to the respective Site Manager for remediation

Supporting Websites and Website Editors
Site Managers
  • SHALL create website folders and associated permission groups for departments, offices, programs and centers within their respective Cascade Sites
  • SHALL serve as the first point-of-contact in support of website editors within their Sites
  • SHALL utilize the Cascade Help website, including the Manager's section, to resolve support issues
  • MAY escalate support questions and concerns to UW&D
  • SHALL provide support to the Site Manager
  • SHALL, after escalation by the Site Manager, provide support to website editors with questions or concerns

Training Website Editors
Site Managers
  • SHALL validate requests for new website editors & determine applicable permission groups
  • MAY provide training to new website editors
    • or MAY refer them to participate in Cascade Basic Training hosted by UW&D
  • SHALL provide training to website editors whose websites utilize Features beyond those covered in Cascade Basic Training
  • SHALL provide Cascade Basic Training for appropriate new website editors
    • Cascade Basic Training details
      • training SHALL be scheduled regularly (at least monthly)
      • and SHALL cover basic folder, page and asset types common to all Sites and used by most websites
    • Cascade Basic Training availability to website editors
      • training SHALL be available for website editors of websites within the main W&M Site
      • training MAY, with permission of the respective Site Manager, be available for website editors of websites within other Sites
  • MAY provide special- or advanced-topic training when there is sufficient interest and available personnel

Design and Implementation of Templates and Features
Site Managers
  • SHALL recommend relevant Features to their website editors
    • SHALL assign Group permissions and provide training for website editors for these Features
  • MAY customize Templates and Features, as skill and comfort level allows
  • SHALL provide & maintain one primary Template for each Site
  • SHALL provide & maintain one Homepage Template for each Site
  • SHALL provide & maintain website Features common to all Sites
    • e.g., specific types of pages, rows and right-column elements
  • SHALL provide training to Site Managers as new Features are added
  • SHALL maintain the Cascade Help website, including the Manager's section, to include Features common to all Sites

Management of Rows and Features
Site Managers
  • SHALL assign website editors access to the appropriate Row & Feature groups: "site__{feature}"
  • SHALL train website editors to create and maintain the Features used by their respective websites
  • MAY create new groups and assign appropriate properties to govern additional Features: "{site}__{featurename}"
    • or MAY provide UW&D the details needed to create and assign properties to Feature groups
  • SHALL create groups and assign appropriate properties to govern each Feature common to all Sites
    • this does not include assigning website editors to each group
  • SHALL, upon request, assist a Site Manager in creating groups and assigning appropriate properties to govern additional Features not common to all Sites
    • this does not include assigning website editors to each group

Working with a Vendor
Site Managers
  • SHALL handle all interaction with the vendor
  • SHALL request necessary embed code from vendor
  • SHALL require all embed code operate within the Site's Privacy and Security Statement
  • SHALL require all embed code be accessible and mobile-friendly
  • MAY implement embed code
    • or MAY provide embed code to UW&D for implementation
  • SHALL, prior to general availability, complete a validation and review process
    • SHALL create a fully-operational test page
    • SHALL validate all functionality
    • SHALL validate it is fully accessibility and usable from a mobile device
    • SHALL submit the test page to UW&D for design branding review
  • MAY insert required embed code into a Block or Region within a Cascade Site
    • as provided by the Site Manager
    • and turned over to the Site Manager for functional validation with the vendor
  • MAY validate the embed is accessible & mobile-friendly, complies with the Site's Privacy & Security Statement, and/or meets design branding guidelines
    • if discovered, Site-level issues SHALL be referred to the respective Site Manager for remediation

Google Analytics
Site Managers
  • Site Managers MAY choose to utilize Google Analytics, in which case the Manager:
    • SHALL maintain an account with GA admin permission
      • exception: GA data for A&S is within the W&M main GA account
    • MAY maintain embed code for GA within the Site Template
      • or MAY provide GA identifier to UW&D for embedding
    • SHALL handle internal requests from website editors for data/reporting
  • SHALL, upon request/consent of the Site Manager, maintain embed code for GA within the Site Template
    • requires Site Manager to provide the appropriate GA identifier