AMP Structure/Membership
Many people are involved in AMP to bring W&M high-quality programming and experiences.
DirectorsDirectors serve a the primary leaders and resources to all members of AMP and work with the Executive Board and Advisors to guide the mission, direction, and effectiveness of the organization and its events. Directors are expected to attend as many events as possible. There are three Director positions.
Committee ChairsCommittee Chairs are responsible for event management and promotion. Chairs are expected to think not just of their own committee but also of the organization as a whole and act as a liaison between the General Board, Advisors, Directors, and the Executive Board. There are six Chair positions: Films, Homebrew, Impact, Interns, Live, and Special Events. Moreover, they are responsible for planning, leading, and facilitating weekly committee meetings. |
General Board MembersGeneral Board Members - as the largest part of the organization - work with each other to create, plan, and put on events for their respective committees. Members gain foundational skills including, but not limited to: event planning, marketing, communication, leadership, time management, professional development, and problem solving. |
AdvisorsThe Assistant Director of Programming for Student Unions & Engagement and two Graduate Assistants directly advise AMP's Executive Board. Schedule permitting, they attend all Executive and General Board meetings. They also hold weekly meetings with each Executive Board member. In general, advisors serve as a resource for all members of AMP. Directors and Chairs make decisions regarding AMP in consultation with the AMP Advisors. |