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Crim Dell Meadow Policy for College Events

Vehicular Traffic

  • Cars are not permitted in the Crim Dell meadow area or any area of grass.
  • In the case of wet conditions, use discretion when bringing vehicles into the meadow. If much damage occurs, you may be billed for the repairs.


  • The Sadler Center will be open to provide bathroom facilities.
  • Port-a-Johns are not permitted in this area.
  • Departmental Events: contact facilities management for tables, chairs, etc.
  • Student Events: contact the Scheduling office for tables, chairs, etc.

Contact Us

  • There are three double plugs in the Crim Dell Meadow that can be used. However, if you need additional power, you will need to request in advance that the power box in the Sunken Garden.


  • Caterers may use gas grills. No open fires.
  • No host will be available at your event. All concerns and needs must be worked out prior to your event.
  • If your caterer does not have an ABC license and you would like to have a one day license please contact [[leadership]].