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Reporting of Deviations and Animal Abuse

Reporting Noncompliance/Protocol Deviations/Adverse Events
Any deviations or incidents must be reported to the IACUC within 72 hours of discovery.
  1. Complete the IACUC Incident Form
  2. Email to confirm submission of form
  3. Await response from IACUC
  1. Adverse Events:
    1. outcomes that adversely affect the health or well-being of animals
      used in research, teaching, or testing; incidents related to experimental procedures that
      resulted in an increased level of pain or distress in an animal or death of an animal that
      was not anticipated or described in the approved protocol; .
    2. any occurrence of an unanticipated event that negatively impacted the welfare of animals; usually involving pain, distress, or death of an animal.
  2. Protocol Deviation:
    • Any departure, mistakes, or omissions made by the research team that are inconsistent with the approved IACUC protocol or the conduct of animal related activities without appropriate IACUC review and approval.
  3. Noncompliance:
    • reports of negligence or willful disregard of institutional policies/procedures, and/or federal regulations
Reports of Animal Abuse
Any member of the W&M community who has specific concerns about the handling of animals in a particular protocol has the right, and the obligation, to submit their concern in writing to the Institutional Officer, the Chair of the IACUC, the Adjunct Veterinarian, or other Committee members. The university also makes available an email address,,  to enable reporting.
Report Process
  • Upon notification of a concern, the IACUC Chair along with the Adjunct Veterinarian, will initiate an investigation of the situation.
  • They will report the allegation and their initial findings to the members of the Committee at a specially called meeting.
  • The investigator involved will be invited to attend the meeting to present his/her view of the issue.
  • The committee will then enter into a closed session to resolve the validity of any allegation and to determine the appropriate action. Such action may include a resolution that the allegation is unfounded, a change in protocol to eliminate the cause of concern, or in extreme cases, termination of a protocol.
  • Results of the deliberation will be provided to the investigator and to the person making the initial allegation.
  • In accordance with the Animal Welfare Act and the Assurance Statement of the university, all such proceedings will be reported in full to the responsible federal agencies