F-1 Transfers
Whenever you attend a school in the U.S., you must have an active immigration record at your new school. If you recently attended another U.S. school, you may be able to transfer your immigration record to William & Mary or VIMS. If you are a William & Mary or VIMS student and plan to attend another U.S. school, we can also transfer your immigration record to your new school.
This is a time-sensitive
Coming from another U.S. school to William & Mary or VIMSTo be eligible to transfer your immigration record to W&M or VIMS, you must be in valid F-1 student status with an active SEVIS If you are not eligible to transfer your immigration record, you can go through the regular new I-20 process instead. How to Transfer your Immigration RecordStep 1: You must be admitted by W&M or VIMS first. Or, if you've taken a leave of absence from W&M or VIMS to study at another U.S. school, you must make sure that your enrollment at W&M or VIMS is again active. Once you receive your admission, or have confirmed your enrollment, and are sure that you plan to attend W&M or VIMS, you should ask your current school's international student advisor to transfer your SEVIS record to W&M or VIMS. Your advisor will need this information:
Step 2: The advisor at your current school must set a future “release date” in SEVIS. This is the date that your SEVIS record will be released from your current school and made available to W&M or VIMS. The release date is usually set for the end of the semester, after final exams. The date may be set within a grace period (i.e., 60 days after completion of program or OPT). Students on OPT may want to select a release date closer to when they are required to be at W&M or VIMS to allow them to maximize use of OPT. Step 3: You must complete your I-20 request in iStart. Once your SEVIS record is transferred to us, ISSP can issue a W&M or VIMS Transfer Pending I-20. Step 4: You will complete your immigration check-in. Do this as early as possible, but no later than 15 days after your program start date. Step 5: An ISSP advisor at W&M/VIMS will complete the transfer in SEVIS and register your immigration record. Remaining in the U.S. and TravelIf your record was successfully transferred, and W&M or VIMS Please notify [[globe, ISSP]] if you have travel plans so we can coordinate your I-20 issuance. VisaWhen traveling abroad, you do not need to apply for a new F-1 visa unless your current visa has expired. If a new visa is required, you must apply for one using your new Transfer Pending I-20 from W&M or VIMS. SEVIS FeeIf your SEVIS record has been released to W&M or VIMS, and you are using the new Transfer Pending I-20 from W&M or VIMS, you do not need to pay the SEVIS (I-901) Fee. CPT & OPTIf you are on CPT or OPT, your CPT or OPT will automatically end on the date your SEVIS record is released to W&M or VIMS. So when listing a transfer date, you may want to choose a date after you plan to stop using your CPT or OPT. |
Leaving William & Mary or VIMS and attending another U.S. schoolTo be eligible to transfer your immigration record to another school from W&M or VIMS, you must be in valid F-1 student status with an active SEVIS If you are transferring before you graduate, you must also notify the other appropriate offices on campus such as the Dean of Students Office. Leaving William and Mary or VIMS TemporarilyIf you plan to attend your new school only temporarily, it's very important that you transfer your immigration record back to William & Mary or VIMS promptly at the end of your studies there. The transfer back must take place during the 60 day grace period after your new program ends, or you may need a new immigration record before attending again, which may also impact your employment eligibility. Contact ISSP to learn more. How to Transfer to another SchoolStep 1: Login to iStart using your W&M ID and Password. Click on F-1 Student Services in the menu on the left-hand side. Click on Transfer Out Request and complete the form.
Step 2: ISSP approves the transfer request and sets a "release date" in SEVIS. This is the date that the record will be released from W&M and made available to the new school. The release date is usually set for the end of the semester, after final exams (for students not graduating), or after commencement (for students graduating). Release dates may be within a grace period (i.e., 60 days after completion of program or OPT). Students on OPT may want to select a release date closer to Step 3: The international student advisor at the new school will access the SEVIS record on the release date or later and issue a Transfer Pending I-20. Step 4: You should follow the instructions from the new school regarding check-in and SEVIS registration. TravelIf your record was successfully transferred to your new school, and your new school has issued your I-20, you can remain in the U.S., as long as your new program begins within 5 months of the end date of your W&M or VIMS program or OPT. If you travel abroad after your W&M or VIMS program or OPT ends but before the program at your new school begins, you must re-enter the U.S. with your new school's Transfer Pending I-20. If you are on OPT, you may travel abroad using your W&M or VIMS current I-20 unless your SEVIS record has already been released by W&M or VIMS. Please notify [[globe, ISSP]] if you have travel plans so we can coordinate your record transfer. VisaWhen traveling abroad, you do not need to apply for a new F-1 visa unless your current visa has expired. If a new visa is required, you must apply for one using your new school’s Transfer Pending I-20. SEVIS FeeIf your SEVIS record has been released to your new school, and you are using the new Transfer Pending I-20 they give you, you do not need to pay the SEVIS (I-901) Fee. Working in the USAfter the SEVIS record is released to your new school, you will no longer be able to work at W&M or VIMS. If you are on CPT or OPT, your CPT or OPT will also automatically end on the date your SEVIS record is released. So when listing a transfer date, you should choose a date that's after you plan to stop using your CPT or OPT. |