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Student Conduct Code

While you are abroad, you will be viewed as an unofficial ambassador of your home country or William & Mary;  you should therefore conduct yourself in a manner that befits that position and reflects well upon William & Mary and upon yourself. In registering to study abroad, you agree to abide by the following behavior expectations: 

conduct requirements
Disciplinary Probation or Deferred Suspension Status 

Students who are on Disciplinary Probation or Deferred Suspension status are ineligible to study abroad during their first full semester in such status. If a sanction endures beyond one full semester (15 academic weeks) and you have had no further conduct or honor violations (or pending investigations), the student may contact the Director of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices and request verification be sent to Global Education.

If you have a conduct or honor case or a pending suspension sanction under appeal, the appeal must be completed before you seek approval to go abroad.

As a visiting student in a foreign country, you are subject to the laws of that country, and to the academic and disciplinary rules and regulations of the institution and/or residential program where you are a participant. You should act in a manner that is respectful of your host culture.

Study Abroad Participants

As a participant of study abroad, understand that you are still considered a William & Mary student. As such, you are required to abide by:

Failure to Comply 

Failure to comply with the conduct restrictions enumerated may result in disciplinary action. The university reserves the right to dismiss any participant from its W&M programs for reasons of unacceptable behavior. Such dismissal will be without refund, and any expenses incurred for return transportation will be the responsibility of the student. Dismissal from a program other than a W&M program may also result in academic or financial consequences, which are solely the student's responsibility.