Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), post-secondary students control access to their academic records and grant access to those records to their parents and other third parties through written permission. Many students grant this access with general permission; others sign individual forms or written documents on a case-by-case basis.
Under Virginia Law (Code of Virginia §23-9.2:3, amended July 2008), the parents of students who are defined as “dependent” under U.S. Tax Code may be granted access to certain records by providing evidence of tax dependency and making a specific written request.
Third Party Requests
This legislation does not permit parents to request release of student records to a third party. This right remains the student's solely.
Emergency Situations
In case of a health and/or safety emergency, parents should contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 757-221-2510 for immediate assistance, as different protocols apply to the release of student information in emergency situations.
View your student’s academic record:
BEST approach
Talk with your student first. In most cases, he or she can show you what you need to know.
Second choice
Ask your student to identify you and grant access via the Personal Information tab in Banner Self Service at As part of that process, your student will have a "passphrase" emailed to you, which you'll use if you call us for information. This can allow us to talk with you about your student's academic, financial, and/or student conduct records. Visit the Dean of Students office or phone them at (757) 221-2510 for more information.
Last resort
If you cannot enact either of these approaches, then you may use this form to request access to specific records with proof of tax dependency. Request for Release of Student Education Record to Parent (pdf). File this form and the required attachments with the Office of the University Registrar.
For questions about FERPA and parental access to student records, please review the FAQs webpage, email the University Registrar's Office or call (757) 221-2801.