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Submit Domicile Documentation via Box

Box is William & Mary's file sharing, file storage, and collaboration platform. With multiple layers of security, you can share sensitive data securely. You do not need to be a current W&M student or have a Box account to use the service.

You can submit your domicile documentation directly to W&M's University Registrar's Office using the Box below. Please review the "How to Name Your File" section first to be sure we can connect the files to the appropriate student.

Submit Domicile Documentation to Box

How to Name Your File

Please name your file in one of the following formats to ensure that it can be appropriately and efficiently matched to the student's file: 

  • Current W&M students: lastname.firstname.ID# (Example: William.Mary.930000000)
  • Applicants to W&M: lastname.firstname.level.term applying for (Example: William.Mary.UG.fall2023)

Below is a list of level codes you can use when naming your file:

  • UG: Undergraduate
  • GA: Graduate Arts & Sciences
  • GB: Graduate Business
  • GE: Graduate Education
  • GM: VIMS / Graduate Marine Science
  • LW: Law School

After Submission

If your submission was received in the box folder, Box will display a "Success! Your file has been submitted." message. A staff member will review the submitted materials and connect them with the student's file. If you have questions about documentation submitted through the Box, contact us at