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Ad Hoc Room Scheduling

The Office of the University Registrar schedules classrooms for academic course-related activities and reserves public access computer labs for all activities. The SUE Scheduling Office in the Sadler Center reserves rooms for activities not tied to a specific course.

Please Note: You will not receive an email notification when your event is confirmed in EMS by Academic Scheduling. Instead, you will need to log into EMS and check My Events - Bookings for a status of "Academic Web Confirmed." Events are typically confirmed within a few business days, or longer if additional follow-up is required. To ensure time for Academic Scheduling to review and confirm requests, reservations must be made at least 1 business day prior to the event. 

How to Schedule Events for a Specific Class

To reserve a classroom for an academic activity directly tied to a course (for example Film Screening for RUSN 308 02, Review Session for MATH 112 01, Make-up Test for ANTH 203 01, etc.), please have your department or program administrator request the room via Virtual EMS. Registrar-scheduled spaces for course-related academic activity may be found here. Please contact the Assistant Registrar if you need assistance accessing Virtual EMS. 

How to Schedule Events in Computer Labs

To reserve a Registrar-scheduled public access computer lab, please make your request via Virtual EMS. Registrar-scheduled computer labs include Boswell 244 (25-capacity), Boswell 240 (14-capacity), and ISC 3248 (25-capacity). More information about computer labs may be found here

How to Schedule Events Open to the Campus Community

These are events not tied to a specific class, such as faculty, staff, or student meetings, lectures, interviews, non-class related events, etc. Rooms for these activities must be reserved through the SUE Scheduling Office. Requests for space in the Wren Building must be made through Wren Events.