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Compilers and MPI software



All main-campus and VIMS clusters have Intel and GNU compiler toolchains installed.   As of our recent refresh to Rocky Linux 9, here are the available compilers:

Name module suggested optimization flags release date executable names (C,C++,Fortran) information
Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler /Fortran intel/compiler-2024.0 -O3 -xHost 12/13/2023


** ifort is available but will warn you to switch to ifx - C/C++/DPC++ docs for current and previous versions. - Fortran docs for current and previous versions.

NOTE: the -ip flag is not supported for ifx

Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler /Fortran  intel/compiler-2022.2.1 -O3 -xHost 10/20/2022


** icc and icpc are available but will warn you to switch to icx,icpx

GNU Compiler suite (C++/C/Fortran) N/A - defautl gcc on all refreshed systems -O3 -march=native 06/25/23 gcc,g++,gfortran
 - GNU compiler documentation

As needed, older versions of compilers may be installed, however, we strongly encourage users to try working with the latest versions of Intel OneAPI and/or Gnu compilers listed above. We encourage users to read the man pages for the compiler tools they need more information about:  e.g.:

>> man ifx

Use the following links to understand what has changed between older version of the compilers and the current versions:

Intel and GNU compiler flags with descriptions

Intel flag GNU flag description notes
-O0,-O1,-O2,-O3,-Ofast level of optimization to try (from none to most aggressive) -On can result in other flags being used.  Please read the man page to see which other flags are added for each level of optmization
-fast N/A A combination of -Ofast, -ipo, -static (for static linking), and -xHost. Very aggressive optmization ; be sure you are getting correct results
-qopenmp -fopenmp enable OpenMP
-fp-model <level> -ffast-math tunes floating-point accuracy

for Intel, level can be strict, precise, or fast 

for GNU -ffast-math takes no arguments

-ipo N/A enable inter procedural optmization
-xHost -march=native tune compilation for local processor



MPI software 

The HPC clusters at main-campus and VIMS have both IntelMPI and OpenMPI.   We typically compile other parallel software using one or both flavors.   

name module release date wrapper scripts notes
Intel MPI toolkit intel/mpi-2021.11


mpiicx, mpiicpx,mpiifx

mpicc,mpicxx, mpif90

mpiicx, mpiicpx,mpiifx - uses Intel Compiler with Intel MPI

mpicc,mpicxx, mpif90 - uses GNU compiler with Intel MPI

OpenMPI-4.1.6. compiled with Intel-2024.0 openmpi-ib/intel-2024.0/4.1.6 9/30/2023 mpicc, mpicxx, mpif90
OpenMPI-4.1.6 compiled with GNU 11.4.1 openmpi-ib/gcc-11.4.1/4.1.6
Running MPI jobs in the cluster

All clusters run the SLURM batch system.  We encourage using srun (see the RC SLURM users guide) instead of mpirun, mpiexec to launch MPI jobs.