"Teams Calls" is part of Microsoft's O365 licensing. Phone bills are to recover costs for our Microsoft licensing, connections to outside phone lines, and anticipated charges for long distance service. With Teams Calls, departmental phone billing is streamlined, less expensive and predictable. The charge includes voicemail and long distance.
Here is a breakdown of phone charges:
Teams Charge, per month
Phone service
Long Distance*
Hardware Replacement
Department's discretion
Total Per Month, Per Line (Average)
*Please be aware that long distance calls (along with international calls) are still charged to the university...they are NOT free. However, to streamline the billing process, the new schema accounts for anticipated long distance charges based on pre-pandemic usage.
Billing Changes
Teams Calls has also allowed modernization of the budget process around phone billing. All phone billing indexes fall into one of two plans...
Plan 1 - Budget Reallocation for Phone Services
Many departmental phone bills have disappeared all together. Funds were reallocated from departmental budgets to central budget management (at the Teams Calls rate of $16 per month, per line rate.) This is a permanent reallocation of funds. That means no more time needed for processing phone bills! For these departments, you can think of phone service as a common utility, like water or internet service.
list of depts
Indexes No Longer Receiving Phone Bills*
The names below come from the index description on phone bills. If you would like the corresponding index number, please contact [[support]].
*There are other reasons you may receive a bill, like for analog lines or equipment. See below.
list of depts
Academic Advising
Development - Computer Service
Office of Policies and Compliance
Accounts Payable
Development - Gift Planning
Office of the Provost
Admin Support Functions
Development - Major Gifts
Office Of The Provost - DIT
Development Accounting Services
Omohundro Inst of Early AM History
Alumnae Initiatives
Development AVP Fund Raising
Op of Physical Plant - Admn & Super
Alumni Admissions
Development Avp Fund Raising
Operation of Heating Plant
Alumni Business Development
Development Fund for W&M
Payroll Office
Alumni Engagement/Corp Sponsorships
Development Research & Prospect Mgmt
Alumni Regional Engagement
Development University Events
Alumni Signature Events
Diversity And Community Initiatives
American Studies
Economic Development
Postal Services
Americans With Disabilities Act
President Emeritus
Emergency Security Telephones
President's Office
Procurement Department
Applied Sci - Applied Research Cntr
Environmental Health & Safety
Applied Science
Environmental Science Studies
Public Policy
Art and Art History
Exec Dir Regional Advancement
Public Relations & Information
Arts & Sciences Development
Facil Planning & Construction Adm
R & IA Virginia
Arts & Sciences Graduate Office
Financial Reporting
Records Management
Assoc VP Development - Services
Financial Systems & Data Control
Registrars Office
AV Classroom Support
General Accounting Office
AVP Alumni Engagement
Rita Welsh Adult Literacy Program
AVP Bus Svcs & Org Excellence
Scholarships & Special Projects
AVP Financial Operations
Grounds Revolving
School of Business Administration
School of Education
Board of Visitors
Human Resources
Budget & Financial Planning
Institute For Historical Biology
Strategic Space Planning
Building Repairs and Maintenance
Internal Auditing
Student Activities
Bursar's Office
International Relations
Swem Library Administration
Business - Operations
Swem Power Plant
Campus Police
Law School Library Administration
Teaching & Learning Innovation
Career Services
Legal Affairs
Theatre & Speech
Center for Geospatial Analysis
Center for Liberal Arts -
MBA Evening Program Peninsula Cntr
University Web & Design
Charles Center
MBA Evening Program Peninsula Ctr
Utilities Revolving Index
Military Science
Vice President - Univ Development
Chief Operating Officer
Modern Languages
Vice President - University Development
Classical Studies
Monticello Plant
Vice President Student Affairs
College Scholars Program
Muscarelle Museum
Volunteer Services
Computer Science
VP for Strategic Initiatives
Computing Support (Information Technology)
W&M Keck Environmental Field Lab
Corporate & Foundation Relations
New Interdisciplinary-Black Studies
William & Mary Quarterly
Custodial Revolving
O&M Trades Revolving
Dean of Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Office of Financial Aid
Women's Studies
Dean of Students
Office Of IAE
Wren Building - Oper Ex
Dean of Undergraduate Study
Office of Multicultural Affairs
Writing Center - English Dept
Plan 2 - Annual Bills for Phone Services
However, not all funding sources are able to take advantage of the reallocation (like auxiliaries, grants, and those using private or local money.) Departments/indexes utilizing those funding sources for phone services are now billed annually, instead of monthly.
These departments will only have to process one bill at the start of each fiscal year for $192 per line ($16 per line X 12 months). These departments can move to central funding by changing their funding source for phone service, if desired.
list of depts
Indexes to be Billed Annually
The names below come from the index description on phone bills. If you would like the corresponding index number, please contact [[support]].
list of depts
AAD Fund Raising
Gifted Enrichment
School Leadership Institute
Activities Fee Operations
Global Education Administration
School Leadership Institute-SURN
Alpha Phi Omega
Golf - Men
School Of Ed Grad Program
Alumni Society
Golf - Women
School of Education - Project Hope - Vir
Ashlawn General Operations - DIT
Grad Housing
Sharpe Program
Athletics - Compliance
Grant Admin Pre- award
Soccer - Men
Athletics Radio/TV Network
Green Fee Expenditures
Soccer - Women
Auxiliary Enterprise Admin
Gymnastics - Men
Special Events
Auxiliary Services
Gymnastics - Women
Special Events-Salary
Basketball - Men
Health & Wellness
Sports Information
Basketball - Women
IA - Plumeri Park Expenditures
Sports Medicine
Basketball Game Operations - Men
IBRL General
STEM Education
Basketball Game Operations - Women
ID Office
Strength Training
Institute for the Theory and Practice of
Student Health Center
Campus Parking
Institute, Integrative Conserve Fd
Student Recreation Center
Central Administration
ISSP- Operations
Student Residences
CFGE Professional Development
Student Residences-Dit
Child Care Center
Law School Operations
Student Unions
Christopher Wren Association
Links Btwn Scholars and Practitioner
Student-Athlete Well-Being
LS Court- Operations
Compliance/Academic Support
Ludwell Complex
Technology Transfer Support
Conference Services
Martin Family Stadium
Tennis - Men
Conference Services - DIT
Muscarelle Museum
Tennis - Women
Confucius Institute - Calendar YR20
Natl Inst of Am Hist & Democ Gen
Tennis Center Operations
Counseling Center
ORF-Archae Proj Ctr
Ticket Office
Dean Of Students
ORF-Conserv Cntr Bio
Track & Field
Orientation Fees
Tribe Club
DuPont Student Veteran Engagement
Plumeri House
Troops to Teachers year 2
Equipment Room
Plumeri Park Expenditures
TTAC 2020-2022
Equipment Room Operations
Production Box Office
Field Hockey
Promotions & Marketing
Food Service
Recreational Sports
William & Mary Operations
Reves Center Most Pressing Needs
William & Mary Hall
General Clinics
Reves- DIT
William & Mary Real Estate Foundation
Charges for Additional Phone-Related Services
You will still receive a phone or hardware bill for the following items.
Analog Phone Lines
Analog lines, like the lines used for fax machines and alarms, will be billed annually. The cost is $360 per year, charged on July 1 (every year). There are no credits or additions as phones are added or removed throughout the year.
Common Area Licenses (New lines only)
Phones that are not tied to person, but rather tied to a place (like conference room phones and service desk phones) require a "Common Area License". A new license has a one-time charge of $300 to the department. As part of the migration project, costs will be covered for existing set-ups that require a common area license.
Common area phones also require a desk phone. In most cases, departments must purchase the Audiocodes 455 phone. Conference rooms will be covered by project funds during the migration.
Phone Equipment
Departments are responsible for purchasing their own phone equipment. Any equipment currently use for Zoom and Teams meetings can be used with Teams Calls (aka phone calls) as well.
However, you may wish to purchase equipment that has been tested by IT and will be supported by the Technology Support Center. Find the list of supported equipment here.
VITA Phone Services
All VITA-contracted phone services will continue to receive monthly bills. This includes the police station radio system, alarm lines, cell phones, and other telecommunication services billed to IT by VITA.
Contact the Technology Support Center (TSC) 757-221-4357 (HELP) | [[support]]| Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm