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Connect Devices to the Network

Game Consoles, Virtual Assistants, etc.

For personal devices, you will need to submit the device authentication form to allow your wired or wireless device (e.g., XBOX) to access our network and/or connect to the Internet. Wireless printers are not permitted on non-residental networks.  On residental networks, we prefer printers are connected using USB or a wired network connection to avoid conflicts on the wireless network.

You will need to register the physical address (MAC address) with Information Technology prior to gaining access to our network. We recommend visiting the manufacturer's website of your device for instructions on finding its physical address.  

To connect your device:

  1. Find the physical address (MAC address) of the device.
  2. Log into using your W&M Username and Password. 
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the device authentication process.
  4. Once complete, wait a few minutes before trying to connect the device to the wireless network (WM-Welcome). It could take up to five minutes. 

Please note that William & Mary will not provide technical support, or guarantee the functionality of the device. Contact the manufacturer if you have any technical support questions.

Staff and Faculty:
   To connect departmental and office devices to the network (such as a new printer) contact the Technology Support Center (TSC) for assistance.

Contact the Technology Support Center (TSC)
757-221-4357 (HELP) | | Jones 201, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm