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Rudling Adriana

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Office: The Hive, Ground Floor, Swem Library
Email: [[arudling]]


Adriana Rudling holds a PhD in Politics from the University of Sheffield, U.K. Being part of a 1+3 scheme (MA+PhD), Adriana also holds a MA in Politics with Research Methods from the same university. She also holds an MSc in Latin American Studies: Politics from Universidad de Salamanca, in Spain and a BSc in International Relations: Peace and Security from Göteborgs Universitet, in Sweden. She is fluent in Swedish, Romanian and Spanish, having studied literature, languages, and translation to post-graduate level as well. She previously held research and teaching positions at Queen’s University Belfast (Northern Ireland), Universidad del Rosario (Colombia), and Instituto Pensar (Colombia). In the past few years, Adriana has served as a consultant specializing in monitoring, learning, and evaluation, working with local and international NGOs like the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) and Colombia Diversa and government agencies such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Her academic work has been funded by the University of Sheffield, the Society for Latin American Studies, and the Faculty Research Initiative Fund at Queen’s University Belfast.

 Her PhD dissertation focused on the fragmentation of victims’ organisations dedicated to representing victims of (en)forced disappearance in Panama and Colombia. Broadly speaking, her research interests center on the interactions between victims of massive and systematic human rights violations and the measures state bureaucracies established in (post-)transitional societies to respond to these harms. Her research has been published in several leading peer-reviewed journals spanning multiple disciplines, including Nature Human Behavior, Human Rights Quarterly, and the International Journal of Transitional Justice, and media outlets, podcasts, policy-focused reports and platforms in both Spanish and English with El Espectador, and OpinioJuris.

At GRI, Adriana is working at the International Justice Lab, where she will be co-authoring a book on the politics of memory with Lab director Kelebogile Zvobgo. She will also be continuing her role as a post-doctoral researcher on the Norwegian Research Council-funded project on truth commissions and sexual violence anchored at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (Norway) and her ongoing policy and research-oriented collaborations on the subjects of reparations, truth commissions and unofficial truth and memory initiatives.