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Kathryn H. Floyd, Ph.D.

Director of GRI e-internship Program and Director of Whole of Government Center of Excellence

Email: [[khfloyd,Kathryn Floyd]]

About Kathryn

Kathryn H. Floyd, Ph. D., is the Director of William & Mary’ s Whole of Government Center of Excellence (WGC). The WGC, part of the W&M Veteran-to Executive Transition Program, serves as a university hub dedicated to all matters of national security: military and interagency training and strategic leader development; convening academics and practitioners on research priorities; and degree-based education. Concurrently, she is the director of the national security and foreign affairs e-internship program at the Global Research Institute, which places students with USINDOPACOM, USAWC, and other institutions. For Oxford University Press’ s “Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis” published in April 2021, Floyd authored the definitive article on “Whole-of-Government Crisis Management: From Research to Practice.”

Floyd previously served as the Mass Violence & Terrorism Visiting Fellow at the U. S. Department of Justice. She worked with emergency managers and planners at the federal, state, and local levels, focusing on preparedness and recovery. Floyd has been deeply involved with the new national standard, NFPA 3000 (PS): Active Shooter Hostile Event Response (ASHER) Program, and is developing university programs on planning for recovery.

Through a previous position at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, she worked with three dozen governments and hundreds of media outlets in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Central Asia, and North America for the Shangri-La Dialogue, Manama Dialogue, and other global summits. For assistance to Multi-National Force-Iraq and then-Colonel H. R. McMaster, Floyd received a “Certificate of Appreciation” from General David Petraeus.

Floyd received her Ph. D. in strategic studies (focusing on pre-radicalization) from S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) where she worked with the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR). She holds an M. A. in war studies from King’ s College London (United Kingdom) and a B. A. in government from William & Mary.