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It's About Entrepreneurial Thinking

At the Entrepreneurship Hub, our mission is to educate, inspire, and support people in developing and applying entrepreneurial skills and mindsets. We envision a William & Mary community recognized for its entrepreneurial thinkers who tackle meaningful opportunities and address challenges of consequence. 

Entrepreneurial thinking combines skills and mindsets to navigate challenges and create impact. Our skills, spotting opportunities, failing wisely, improvising, and collaborating equip individuals to take action effectively. Paired with mindsets like openness to risk, tolerance for ambiguity, grit, and self-direction, these attributes empower entrepreneurial thinkers to innovate, adapt, and lead in solving complex problems.

Learn More and Take Your Next Steps

Whether you're a student, faculty member, or regional entrepreneur, the Hub is here to support your journey. Learn more about our entrepreneurial thinking pillars below and when you're ready to take the next step, check out the Hub's offerings and make strides on your entrepreneurial journey today!

  • Opportunity Discovery

    Spot opportunities where others do not.

  • Openness to Risk

    Turn towards opportunity rather than away even when there is a risk of failure.

  • Failing Wisely

    Risk what you can afford to lose and make certain that learning is a primary goal.

  • Tolerance for Ambiguity

    Resist the urge to try to predict the future and, instead, let the best plan emerge.

  • Improvisation

    Put something out into the world and adjust course as necessary.

  • Grit

    Sustained perseverance in the face of challenges.

  • Collaboration

    Pull in complementary perspectives and skills.

  • Self-direction

    Have a bias towards action.

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The Entrepreneurship Hub

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  • Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm

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