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Get Involved

William & Mary's newest office needs your help! 

There are a few ways that you can give your input to shape the values, programs, and structure of Conflict Resolution & Education.  

Take the Campus Conflict Culture survey 

Answer five questions about conflict at William & Mary and be entered to win prizes! 


Sign up for a Student Interview 

Share about your conflict experiences and answer more in-depth questions about conflict on campus over a free treat or cup of coffee. 


Do a Focus Group 

Is your class, student organization, leadership council, or residence hall interested in getting a free meal? Sign up for a conflict focus group and get a free, catered meal while you talk about conflict. 


Join (or nominate someone for) the Launch Team 

Are you interested in conflict resolution, psychology, education, business or law? Or are you looking to gain skills and experience in research, marketing & branding, graphic design, data analysis, or presenting? Join the Conflict Resolution Launch Team! 

This small, select group of students will meet over the course of the 2024-2025 year with the Director of Conflict Resolution & Education to make decisions about the future of the office.  

Apply, nominate & learn more about the Launch team