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Professional Development Week 2023


The W&M community came together for W&M Professional Development Week 2023, Feb. 27-March 3. In the series of virtual events, experts addressed ways to take charge of your career in this changing economy. Brought to you by the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement.


Keys for Growing Your Brand

For the last three years, our worlds have been turned upside down. While we're getting used to the "new normal," many of us still have big questions about what lies ahead in our careers: "Where exactly will my journey take me? How do I know if I'm on the right path? And what do I do if I get off-course?" Kirsten Jones ’93 helps you unpack both the importance of growing YOUR brand (What is it? How do I define it? Where do I start?) and the tools which will help you get from wherever you are in your journey to a dream career (Hint: It’s usually not a straight line).


How to Recession-Proof Your Career

Watch LinkedIn's former head of education marketing, Jeremy Schifeling, share insider LinkedIn secrets to surviving any economic downturn, including:  
- How recruiters hire in the midst of recession
- How to make sure your LinkedIn profile is ready
- How to increase your chances of being hired, even when opportunities are scarce — and even if you've been laid off


Navigating Your Career in Today’s Changing Economy

What’s the economy doing these days? With headlines about a labor shortage in some industries, layoffs at major companies, rising interest rates and a looming recession, it can seem today’s labor market is constantly shifting. HR leaders Latoya Asia J.D. ’09, director of talent acquisition and workforce planning at Dominion Energy, Kristen Vaughan ’00, managing director, Operations Growth Platform at Accenture Federal Services, Clarke Havener ’80, partner at Odgers Berndtson, and Kelsey Weissgold '11, global lead for IBM's alumni program, discuss latest trends as well as best practices for negotiating the position and salary you want or hiring the staff you need.


Leading a Values-Based Job Search

While many believe the first step in job search is sprucing up your resume, in this workshop you’ll learn why your next job search needs to start with a deep dive into what makes you uniquely you. Terry B. McDougall ’86 will lead you through a series of exercises that will help you gain clarity on your values, strengths and skills. Then you'll learn how to use this knowledge to seek potential roles, companies and/or industries that are a good fit for you.


EI, EI, Oh! Foundational Emotional Intelligence Skills for Successful Equity & Inclusion Programs

It's challenging to maintain an inclusive mindset while under pressure to meet organizational deadlines and achieve personal career goals. But it’s necessary not only for an organization to fulfill its mission and vision and meet profitability benchmarks, but for society to function as a sustainable democracy that recognizes the role of social justice in its survival. Emotional intelligence skills help us acknowledge unfamiliar perspectives. Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach Amy Steindler ’80 leads a thoughtful and thought-provoking discussion about the interaction of the two “EIs” — emotional intelligence and equity & inclusion — that drive quality communication and deep insight, normalizing discomfort for the greater good. She discusses the emotional intelligence skills that are most likely to support successful efforts to create the kinds of equitable and inclusive environments which move society forward.


A Test for Our Time: Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal

Almost every day we hear stories about people who have accomplished extraordinary things in their lives. What we may not realize is how often these people started out in mundane ways, seeming unlikely to succeed. Allen Plummer M.B.A. '06 leads an informal Q&A conversation with Stephen Tang ’82 as he shares his advice and expertise on how to overcome crises, motivate others and be collaborative and innovative in today’s hybrid workplace.


Leveraging Your Personal Brand While Networking

This 20-minute session led by William & Mary Professor of Marketing Dr. Dawn Edmiston Ed.D. ’20 and marketing consultant Amy Alyson Teller '98, M.B.A. ’18 provides key tips on how to leverage your personal brand while networking.


Explore prior years' sessions
Professionals Week 2022: Rethinking Your Relationship with Work

In this series of virtual events, experts addressed topics such as redesigning your career path, managing today’s workforce challenges and building community in your workplace. Read a recap of the week’s events.

Professionals Week 2021: Navigating the Changing Workplace Together

Virtual sessions brought the W&M community together to explore how professionals can build skills and connections to successfully navigate this time of uncertainty. Read a recap of the week’s events.