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Career Center Glossary

Important Phrases to Know

Career Advising Appointment

One-on-one meeting to discuss any career-related goal, objective, or concern.

Career Fair

An event featuring several employers from different fields coming to campus at one time in one location. Employers at career fairs recruit for internship and full-time positions. Open to all students, all class years, all majors.

Employer Information Session

A presentation by one employer, which highlights the organization and career opportunities for students. These presentations offer students a good way to meet an employer in a relaxed or casual atmosphere.

Externship/Job Shadow

Observation of a professional or group of professionals in a given industry. Usually lasts for one day to a week over Winter Break. During these experiences, students will have the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the field that they are considering, as well as begin to develop a stronger professional network.


A short-term structured career experience, often completed over a summer, and designed to develop and enhance skill sets. Internships are available in most fields and can increase a student’s marketability to employers.


The My Active Career Exploration (MACE) series is a six-week, non-credit seminar open only to freshmen and sophomores that examines common issues students face in the first and second year of college, including: exploring majors, academic advising, writing a resume, finding internships, exploring graduate school options, and developing transferable skills.

Mock Interview

A practice interview session, where students are asked interview questions and provided feedback on the content of their answers, their delivery, and their professional appearance. William & Mary also offers current students free access to Big Interview, where they can learn about and practice interview skills. They can use their W&M credentials to register for a free account.


The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) is a professional association that connects nearly 17,000 college career services professionals, university relations and recruiting professionals, and the business solution providers that serve this community. NACE provides its members with high-quality resources and research; networking and professional development opportunities; and standards, ethics, advocacy, and guidance on key issues.

On-Campus Recruiting/Interviewing (OCR)

A formal program occurring during fall and spring semesters, where a student can apply and interview for internship and full-time positions with employers who recruit on campus. Students apply through TribeCareers and interviews are held in the Cohen Career Center.


A fully integrated job and internship platform that connects students to thousands of jobs, internships, employers, and events using simple and powerful search tools and alerts.

Quick Advising

A service where students can get their resume or cover letter reviewed, or get answers to basic career-related questions. No appointment is necessary. Quick advising is offered on a first come, first served basis, Mondays-Thursdays, 2-4 p.m. during the academic year.