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Fringe Benefit Rates

Employer Share

Table of fringe benefit rates with column headers and headings to divide into groups of benefits.
Benefit Name FY24 FY25 Notes
VRS 16.19% 15.54% Breakdown = 13.92% Retirement + 1.12% Retiree Med + 0.5% Long Term Disability VSDP
ORP 11.52% 11.52% Breakdown = 10.40% Retirement + 1.12% Retiree Med
Faculty/Professional Average 12.79% 12.79% Breakdown = 11.67% Retirement + 1.12% Retiree Med
FICA 7.65% 7.65%

7.65% up to $168,600

1.45% over $168,600

Group Life Insurance 1.34% 1.18%
Total Rates by Employee Type
Total Rate for Classified/Operational 25.18% 24.37%
Total Rate for Faculty/Professional 21.78% 21.78%
Total Rate for Campus Police 35.32% 35.05% Breakdown = 24.6% Retirement + 1.12% Retiree Med + 0.5% Long Term Disability VSDP + 7.65% FICA + 1.18% Group Life Insurance
**These are rates used in E&G budgets and actual charges vary by employee type and election.
Health Insurance
Employee only $8,856.00 $9,414.00
Employee plus one $15,840.00 $16,838.00
Family $23,220.00 $24,683.00
Agency Average $16,936.00 $18,003.00