The Transit App
Transit is the all-in-one solution for finding the best way to get where you need to go. With this app, you can easily compare transportation options to find the one that works for you.
WATA Routes
The local transportation authority, WATA, has integrated their fixed-route service with Transit. You can see the location of each of the routes in real time, and view predictions on when the bus will arrive at your stop.
All your options at a glance
The home screen shows all the available options near you, including buses, ridehailing, scootershares & bikeshares, metro, and trains. Tap an option to view more details, such as pricing and future arrival times.
Transit GO
Transit has an easy system for using local public transportation routes, outlining your trip step-by-step. You can see which routes are running in your area and choose the best one to get where you need to go.
- On the home page, search for your destination and select it from the results.
- A list of your available options will be displayed, which may often include a combination of transportation modes. Tap an option to preview the trip, and press "GO" on the one that you want to use.
- The app will display your trip, outlined step-by-step, including how much time before the next bus gets to your pickup stop.
That's it! Now you have your own personal guide to help you navigate your trip. The app will stay running in the background if you switch to another one. If you'd like, you can press the bell icon on the GO screen to set a reminder to head out to the stop.