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Vehicle Registration

Vehicles are registered online at  Before registering the vehicle, have a .pdf or small .jpg of your vehicle's registration and one of your vehicle's proof of insurance available to upload.  Instructions to register a vehicle for Employees and Students are found on their respective websites.

Register Vehicle

Rules about vehicle registration

Rules on Registering a Vehicle

All motor vehicles, including motorcycles, motorbikes, and mopeds parked on William & Mary property must be registered with Parking Services. Registration is primarily online.  Registration forms are available on our forms and documents page as well as available at the Watermen's Hall Registration Desk for those individuals at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science Campus.  The operator of each vehicle will be issued an appropriate permit. The purchase of a permit entitles individuals to park only in those areas designated for the respective permit. The person registering the vehicle must upload or present a current state registration, proof of insurance, and, if in-person, a W&M ID card or current driver's license.

Students may only register a personally owned or family vehicle; proof of ownership must be supplied upon request. Resident students may only register, or store one (1) vehicle while assigned to campus administered housing.

The purchase of a permit does not guarantee a specific parking space, but affords the registrant an opportunity to park in authorized areas when parking space is available. The responsibility for finding a proper parking space rests with the vehicle operator. Permits are effective for the school year which runs from September 1 through August 31 of the following calendar year. Temporary passes are issued as necessary for durations appropriate for their purpose. The campus map highlights the major parking lots at the main Williamsburg and VIMS campuses.

Registrants who misstate their classification category or intentionally register for the incorrect permit and do not notify Parking in writing of a mistake, will be referred to the Dean of Students. When the classification status of a registrant or the purpose for which a permit was issued changes, and/or the vehicle information changes, it is the sole responsibility of the registrant to notify Parking Services so the permit may be suitably exchanged. Replacing the permit carries an administrative processing fee of $15.

Campus Volunteers and Emeritus Faculty may be issued a permit with appropriate documentation of status. Volunteers require departmental certification and must perform at least 10 hours of service per week. The Provost Office publishes an annual listing of faculty members granted emeritus status. Once approved you must register your vehicles with Parking Services and purchase a permit for the fee of $15.

All vehicles that display permits must be registered with DMV by the operator or in their family. No person shall register another non-family member's vehicle, nor allow another person to register their vehicle and/or transfer the permit. Additionally, it is a violation to purchase and distribute a permit for other individuals or display on a vehicle not registered with Parking Services. Students in violation of this regulation will be referred to the Dean of Students.

Acceptance of a permit by an individual attests to that person's complete understanding of the William & Mary's Motor Vehicle Regulations and personal responsibility to adhere to those regulations.