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Two A&S professors receive faculty governance awards

Governance awards
Governance awards During a faculty meeting on Feb. 2, Dean Carl Strikwerda (2nd from left and far right) presented the 2010 Arts & Sciences Award for Faculty Governance to Eric Bradley, professor of applied science and biology, and Leisa Meyer, associate professor of history, American studies, and women's studies. Photos by Erin Zagursky
Two Arts & Sciences faculty members were recently recognized for their service to their colleagues and the College.

During a faculty meeting on Feb. 2, Dean Carl Strikwerda presented the 2010 Arts & Sciences Award for Faculty Governance to Eric Bradley, professor of applied science and biology, and Leisa Meyer, associate professor of history, American studies, and women's studies.

The award is presented annually to faculty members who "devote special efforts to helping their colleagues through committee memberships and other services to departments, programs, Arts & Sciences, and College committees," according to the Arts & Sciences Web site.

According to his award citation, Bradley has "served the College of William and Mary in almost every conceivable capacity that one can as a faculty member, indeed, he has served in roles that he pioneered."

According to her citation, Meyer has "served as a tireless leader, campus citizen, and advocate on issues of diversity and equality for all three programs in which she is a faculty member, for Arts & Sciences, and for the College of William and Mary as a whole."

The faculty governance award is presented annually to two tenured professors: one with more than 10 years of service to William & Mary and one with no more than 10 years at the College. The awardees receive a cash award, which can be accepted as a one-time salary stipend or as research support for the following year.

For more on the awards, visit