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Courses that Meet Breadth Requirements

College Board Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate examinations, and college-level coursework completed post-high school graduation may be used to satisfy the knowledge objectives for breadth. Note that the credit does not count towards the degree, even if it is used to fulfill a breadth requirement. 

  • One course may fulfill up to TWO breadth requirements. 
  •  The required COLL 150 can also meet a breadth requirement. 

The courses listed below are examples of the types of courses that meet the requirements. The lists are not exhaustive! If you have a course you’d like to take that you think would meet the description of the breadth requirement (or two), talk to your advisor to obtain approval. 

Breadth requirements can be met by either W&M or St Andrews classes. At St Andrews, courses that would meet breadth requirements need to be completed during the sub-honours years (years 1 and 2). At W&M, these courses can be taken in any year, but note that 100 and 200 level classes should be avoided in the 3rd and 4th years. 

An understanding of the world of nature. 

Courses that fulfill this breadth requirement introduce students to the enduring scientific principles that underlie many of the important issues of their times and foster an appreciation of how science relates to our wider culture. Because these issues can change over the course of a lifetime, students are given a foundation that prepares them to further educate themselves. Such a preparation provides the student not only with factual information, but also with a body of knowledge within a particular scientific discipline and an appreciation of the broader context for that knowledge. 

Courses that fulfill this requirement include: 

  • Any W&M BIOL, CHEM, ENSP, GEOL, or PHYS course 
  • ENSP 101 
  • ANTH 203 
  • KINE 200, 290, 350 
  • PSYC 201, 311, 313, 315, 317 
  • Any St Andrews AS, BL, CH, ES, or PH course 


An understanding of individual and social behavior. 

Courses that fulfill this breadth requirement introduce students to the systematic observation and analysis of human behavior and interaction. Social scientists observe, describe, analyze, and try to predict and explain human behavior, including psychological processes. These courses should teach students basic concepts, key theories and methods, and important findings of social science research. 

International Relations and Economics majors will fulfill this proficiency through their major-required coursework. 

Courses that fulfill this requirement include: 

  • Any W&M ANTH (except ANTH 203), ECON, GOVT, LING, SOCL; 
  • PSYC except for courses listed for World of Nature above 
  • Any St Andrews EC, IR and SA course 

A general historical knowledge of Western civilization. 

Courses that fulfill this breadth requirement introduce students to major ideas, institutions, and historical events that have shaped Western human societies. They are courses that explore topics, issues, or themes of critical periods or movements. They are informed by an historical perspective in the sense of addressing the changes in institutions, movements, or cultural practices and they emphasize critical events, institutions, ideas, or literary/artistic achievements.  

History majors will fulfill this proficiency through their major-required coursework. 

Courses that fulfill this requirement include: 

  • ECON 341, 342 
  • CLCV 207, 217, 227 
  • FREN 314 
  • GRMN 207 
  • ID 1003 
  • MUSC 213 
  • St Andrews HIST courses with attributes with HEUR or HNA 
  • Any St Andrews AN, HI, ME, MH and MO course 

An acquaintance with a non-Western cultural tradition; 

Courses that fulfill this breadth requirement introduce students to major ideas, institutions, cultures, religions, and/or historical events that have shaped non-Western human societies. They are courses that may explore topics, issues, or themes of critical periods or movements in history; or they may explore critical events, institutions, ideas, philosophies and religious traditions, or literary and artistic achievements.  

History majors will fulfill this proficiency through their major-required coursework. 

Courses that fulfill this requirement include: 

  • GOVT 312, 334, 336, 337, 338, 339 
  • Most LAS (Latin American Studies) courses 
  • St Andrews HIST courses with attribute HOUT 
  • RELG 203, 212, 213, 214, 337 

A general knowledge of masterworks, genres and movements in art, music, and literature. 

A liberally educated person should possess knowledge of important and influential forms of literary or artistic achievements, and how those achievements should be understood in their cultural contexts. Courses that fulfill this breadth requirement introduce students to at least two major forms, genres, eras, cultures, or movements; or at least two methods of analysis of art or literature. Note that classes that emphasize the production of art or music, such as performance, composition, production, etc., do not meet this breadth requirement, nor do Linguistics courses.  

English and Film Studies majors will fulfill this proficiency through their major-required coursework.  

Courses that fulfill this requirement include: 

  • Any W&M ARTH 
  • Any St Andrews AH, EN, FM and MU course 
  • RELG 203 

 A general knowledge of major philosophical and religious systems. 

Courses that fulfill this breadth requirement take a critical view of important and influential approaches to philosophical, religious, or social thought. Not only does the course deal with matters of enduring concern to human life, such as meaning, value, justice, freedom and truth, but it also aims at cultivating reasoned analysis and judgment in students who take it.  

  • Any W&M PHIL or RELG course 
  • Any St Andrews DI or PY course 
  • St Andrews ID 1003 or ID 1004