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Past Student Research Projects

Below is a list of some of the student research projects that the Schroeder Center has previously supported: 

  • Effects of peers in physicians’ treatment of cardiovascular disease
  • Risk adjustment methodologies used in measuring hospital performance
  • The costs of opioid overdose-related hospitalizations
  • The association between alcohol-related hospitalizations and ABC licenses 
  • Hospital readmissions among Virginia Medicare beneficiaries after the Affordable Care Act
  • Access to inpatient care by Virginia’s young adults
  • Role of maternal capabilities with child feeding and nutritional status
  • Standards of care for pregnant incarcerated women
  • Access to healthcare and racial disparities in health
  • Impact of the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) on individuals’ insurance take-up and health outcomes
  • Informal care provision for elderly parents
  • Role of environmental stress on early development
  • Effect of Medicare OPPS on hospital volume
  • Healthcare utilization patterns during economic recession
  • Physician-hospital integration and quality of care 
  • Effects of economic recessions on Medicare beneficiaries