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Senior and Honors Research

Physics Undergraduate Catalog

All Physics majors are required to complete a year-long research or capstoneproject with a faculty member, to write the results in article form and to give a presentation on their work. Its successful completion satisfies the Concentration Writing Requirement. In some cases physics concentrators may be able to use their senior research project to satisfy the department computer proficiency requirements. PHYS472, PHYS496, EPAD496 or three or more credits can be used to satisfy COLL400 requirement.

Any full-time Physics faculty member can serve as a research adviser for senior students. If a student wishes to conduct a research project with a faculty member from a different department or institution, a physics faculty member must serve as a co-adviser, unless the outside adviser has a courtesy appointment with the Physics department.

Students have four options:

The student is expected to spend at least 3 hour per week on research for each registered credit hour. Research topics are generally chosen within the research programs in the Department. The list of previous research thesis topics is also available. All students are also required to attend weekly meetings, led by Physics Research Coordinator (for PHYS 451/452 or PHYS 495/496 courses) or by EPAD Capstone Coordinator(s) (for PHYS471/472 and APSC 471/472 or EPAD 495/496). These faculty members will also provide help with any questions concerning finding an advisor, general requirements or procedures for senior research.

Undergraduate research performed before the start of the senior year may be included as an integral part of the senior or honors thesis. Prior work may include summer research for which the student received a stipend. However, the grade for PHYS 451/452, PHYS471/472, PHYS 495/496 or EPAD 495/496 and the award of honors will be based on work performed during the senior year.

Dates to Remember
Spring semester before graduation year
  • Registration window for the Fall semester: Interested students must initiate Honors application process
  • 4 weeks before last day of classes: Interested students must initiate Honors application process
  • 2 weeks before last day of classes: Final Honors proposals and "Application of Admission to Departmental Honors" forms are submitted to the Chair of the Undergraduate Committee.
Fall semester of the senior year
  • End of Drop/Add in first semester of senior year: The title of your research topic and the name of your advisor must be given to the Research Coordinator. All non-Honors students must be registered for Physics 451 research section. Honors students will be registered for Physics 495 by the Charles Center.
  • One week before mid-term presentation for all research students: Written report turned in to advisor and Research Coordinator
  • First Thursday noon of exam period: Mid-term presentations must be complete
Spring semester of the senior year
  • 4 weeks before last day of classes: Complete draft of thesis turned in to advisor
  • 2 weeks before last day of classes: Honors projects: Corrected complete draft of thesis passed out to members of the honors examination committee
  • 1 week before last day of classes: Senior projects: Corrected complete drafts of the thesis given to your advisor and Research Coordinator
  • First Thursday noon of exam period: Final presentations must be complete
  • First Friday 11:00 am of the exam period: Honors projects: The original of the signed Honors thesis cover page is submitted to Yvette Osorio-Valdez, and the copy turned in to the Charles Center.
  • Wednesday before commencement: Electronic copies of the final versions of their written reports (a single PDF file) must be emailed to Yvette Osorio-Valdez 
  • Friday 5:00 pm before commencement: Electronic copies of the Honors theses are submitted via W&M Libraries' online scholarship platform, W&M Publish.