All documents in (pdf) format
- Julie Cella, Advisor: Welsh, "Gamma Ray Imaging of Small Animals Using Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier Tubes"
- Lindsay Chipman, Advisor: Tracy, "Nonlinearities in Hand and Foot Coordination"
- Peter Dolph, Advisor: Carone, "Quantum Mechanics of a Non-Commutative Space"
- Andrew Donnelly, Advisor: Vold, "CCD Photometry"
- Erin Epperson, Advisor: Armstrong, "Software and Simulation for Qweak"
- Jason Faulkenberry, Advisor: Luepke, "Optical Studies of the Conduction Band Offset at the CdCr2Se4/AlxGa(1-x)As Interface"
- Paul Hansen, Advisor: Delos, "Chaotic Escape of Photons from a Fish-Shaped Reflecting Cavity"
- Ellen K. Keister, Advisor: Luepke, "Vibrational Lifetimes and Isotope Effect of Oxygen in Silicon and Germanium"
- Lauren Larkin, Advisor: Averett, "Investigation of Noble Gas Polarization using Optically Pumped Rb and K"
- Kristen Loncich, Advisor: Averett, "Bat Echolocation: Triangulation using Ultrasonic Microphones"
- John Mallory, Advisor: Reilly, "Factors Which Determine Interest of Fear in Physics"
- Robert McFadyen, Advisor: Averett, "The Development of Varying Frequency NMR for the Polarization of Helium 3"
- Jack Simonson, Advisor: Manos, "Field Emission Enhancements in Carbon-Implanted Group 5B Metals"
- Aimee Slaughter, Advisor: Armstrong, "Data Analysis for the G0 Experiment: Characterization of the Beam Halo"
- Ian Terrell, Advisor: Zhang, "Diffusion Quantum Montel Carlo: a Java Based Simulation and Visualization"
- Frank Wells, Advisor: Cooke, "Imaging Gene Expression: Detecting Gene Activation using Laser-Induced Fluorescence"
- Kyle Wisian, Advisor: Chaloupka, "Imaging and Measurement of Thermal Lensing in Glass and Sapphire Crystal"
- Andrew York, Advisor: Chaloupka, "Development of Precise Dispersion Control in an Ultrafast Laser Pulse Stretcher and Compressor"
- James Younkin, Advisor: Sher, "Astrophysical and Terrestrial Constraints on Yukawa Potentials"