CMExp Research at W&M
The Experimental Condensed Matter Physics groups are interested in understanding electronic, optical, magnetic and structural properties of materials. These properties can be highly anomalous in systems with strong many-body interactions, for example, high-temperature superconductors, colossal magnetoresistive manganites and multiferroics. Research activities include growth and characterization of materials, and various experimental techniques for determining their properties. Below is a synopsis of the CMExp research at W&M.
Prof. Manos' group performs research in the fundamental science which underlies the formation and characterization of surfaces and interfaces with particular specialized properties.
Research in my team focuses on infrared and optical spectroscopy of materials with exotic phase transitions and/or unconventional properties. We aim to discover and understand new phenomena, and to study aspects relevant to applications.
The CMExp faculty also collaborates closely with AMO research groups using an Ultra-Fast Laser User Facility.
Other condensed matter research groups at W&M:
Luepke Group: Laser-based condensed matter physics: Luepke’s group conducts ultra-fast laser studies of diluted magnetic semiconductors, high-TC superconductors, and colossal magnetoresistance materials.
Hannes Schniepp Group: We investigate and develop the next generation of high-performance nanomaterials. Such materials will be low-cost to produce, yet very versatile and multi-functional. Currently, our high-priority research areas are graphene-based nanomaterials, molecular self-assembly, and the physical interactions of biomolecules. Our main experimental tools are the scanning probe techniques.