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Recent Ph.D. Recipients

Hardcopies of all dissertations are available at the Physics library. Scanned copies are available through UMI ProQuest (which requires an institutional subscription). Locally hosted final copies are linked below where available. Listed is the first position of employment after graduation.


Mikayla Anderson, Advisor Carone "Extensions of the Standard Model with Improved Ultraviolet Behavior" 

Ryan A. Chaban, Advisor Mordijck "Experimental Studies of Neutral Particles and the Isotope Effect in the Edge of Tokamak Plasmas" ARPA-E Fellow, Department of Energy

Felipe Gilberto Ortega Gama, Advisor Dudek "Transitions to Two-Hadron States from Quantum Chromodynamics" Postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley


Siyuan Chen, Advisor Zhang/Rossi “Ab initio Computations of Structural Properties in Solids by Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo” Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Chicago

Andrew Dallas Hurley
,   Advisor Stevens “Partial Wave Analysis of Strange Mesons Decaying to K+p+p- in the Reaction ƴp → K+p+p- ^(1520) and the Commissioning of the GlueX DIRC Detector”Postdoctoral Research Associate, Physics, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Richard Murijono Tung Ming Reksoatmodjo Advisor Mordijck “Edge Fueling and Neutral Density Studies of the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Using the SOLPS-ITER Code” Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Zhi-Yu Xiao Advisor Zhang/Rossi “From the Hubbard Model to Coulomb Interactions: Quantum Monte Carlo Computations in Strongly Correlated Systems” Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Luis Alberto Zazueta Reyes,  Advisor Kordosky “Constraining of the MINERvA Medium Energy Neutrino Flux Using Neutrino-Electron Scattering” Postdoctoral Research Associate, Syracuse University, NY

Amy Nicole Filkins, "Inclusive and Inelastic Scattering in Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions" Postdoctoral position, Syracuse University in NY

Hao Xu, Advisor Zhang/Rossi "Investigation of Stripes, Spin Density Waves and Superconductivity  in the Ground State of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model" 

Md Tanjib Atique Khan,  Advisors Richards/Orginos "Calculation of Gluon PDF in the Nucleon using Pseudo-PDF Formalism with Wilson Flow Technique in LQCD" Advisors: K. Orginos and D. Richards, Faculty position, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Dhaka

Patrick McArdle Advisor: Qazilbash “Broadband Infrared Microspectroscopy and Nanospectroscopy of Local Material Properties: Experiment and Modeling.”  National Research Council (NRC) Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) at Boulder, Colorado

Archana Radhakrishnan
 Advisor: Dudek “Radiative Width of K*(892) from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics.” Postdoctoral Research Associate, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India

Amy Marie Schertz Advisor: Stevens “Partial Wave Analysis of the ꙍp- Final State Photoproduced at GlueX.”  Postdoctoral Research Associate, LHCb, ELTE Budapest, Hungary

Savannah Lea Cuozzo Advisor: Mikhailov “Quantum Sensing for Low-Light Imaging.” Postdoctoral Researcher, Sandia National Laboratories

Joseph Jude Cuozzo Advisor: Rossi “Electronic Transport in Topological Superconducting Heterostructures.” Harry S. Truman, Sandia National Laboratories


Shuangli Du, "AC & DC Zeeman Interferometric Sensing with Ultracold Trapped Atoms on ChipAdvisor: S. Aubin

Colin Egerer, "Forward & Off-Forward Parton Distributions from Lattice QCDAdvisors: D. Richards and K. Orginos, Postdoc, Jefferson Lab Theory Division

Timothy Hayward, "Dihadron Beam Spin Asymmetries on an Unpolarized Hydrogen Target with CLAS12Advisor: K. Griffioen, Postdoc, University of Connecticut, Jefferson Lab

Christopher Johnson, "Excited J- - Resonances in Meson-Meson Scattering from Lattice QCDAdvisor: J. Dudek, Postdoc at GSI Darmstadt

David Lahneman, "Light Matter Interactions in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Geometries" Advisor: M. Qazilbash

Andrew Rotunno, "Radiofrequency AC Zeeman Trapping for Neutral AtomsAdvisor: S. Aubin

Yiyu Zhou, "Proton Spin Structure from Simultaneous Monte Carlo Global QCD AnalysisAdvisor: W. Melnitchouk, Postdoc at UCLA/South China Normal University


Adam Carl Chiciak, "Competing and Cooperating Orders in the Three-Band Hubbard Model:
A Comprehensive Quantum Monte Carlo and Generalized Hartree-Fock Study" 
Advisor: S. Zhang

Jason Andrew Creeden, "Growth Engineering and Characterization of Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films for Ultraviolet Detection" Advisors: R. A. Lukaszew & I. Novikova

Christopher S. A. Hendriks
, "A First-Principles Study of the Nature of the Insulating Gap in VO2" Advisor: H. Krakauer

Scott Eric Madaras,
"Insulator to Metal Transition Dynamics of Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films" Advisor: R. A. Lukaszew

Denise Erin McKaig, "Quantitative Analysis of Blood Pressure Waveforms of ICU Patients that Have Experienced a Hemorrhage Event" Advisor: J. Delos

Marco Antonio Merchand Medina, "Study of Scalar Extensions for Physics Beyond the Standard Model" Advisor: M. Sher

Matthew Perry Nerem
, "Experiments and Theory on Dynamical Hamiltonian Monodromy" Advisor: J. Delos

Nikunjkumar Prajapati, "Development of Quantum Information Tools Based on Multi- Photon Raman Processes in Rb Vapor" Advisor: I. Novikova


Scott Kevin Barcus, "Extraction and Parametrization of Isobaric Trinucleon Elastic Cross Sections and Form Factors" Advisor: T. Averett

Shikha Chandra Chaurasia,
"Beyond the Standard Model: Flavor Symmetry, Nonperturbative Unification, Quantum Gravity, and Dark Matter" Advisor: C. Carone

William Winsor Dickinson
, "Interfacial Forces of 2D Materials at the Oil–Water Interface" Advisor: H. Schniepp

Brandon Kyle Eskridge ,
"Local Embedding and Effective Downfolding in the Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Method" Advisor: H. Krakauer

Michael Chaim Freid, "Topics in Proton Structure: BSM Answers to its Radius Puzzle and Lattice Subtleties within its Momentum Distribution" Advisor: C. Carlson

Yohanes Satrio Gani
, "Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional van der Waals Systems" Advisor: E. Rossi

Joseph Matheson Karpie
, "The Extraction of Parton Distributions from Lattice QCD" Advisor: K. Orginos

Andrew James Pyle,
"Scattering a Bose-Einstein Condensate off a Modulated Barrier" Advisor: S. Aubin