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Two W&M faculty members singled out as top professors

A model for chemistry
A model for chemistry William & Mary chemist Elizabeth Harbron has been honored for her blend of research and instruction. Her latest honor came from the web site Affordable Colleges online, which listed her among the top women professors at affordable colleges. Photo by Joseph McClain
Awarded for excellence
Awarded for excellence Professor of Education Megan Tschannen-Moran (center) receives Thomas Ashley Graves Jr. Award for Sustained Excellence in Teaching along with Professor of Mathematics Larry Leemis (right). President Taylor Reveley (left) presented the awards. Photo by Robert Boag

Two William & Mary faculty members were singled out for excellence by the website Affordable Colleges Online.

Megan Tschannen-Moran, a professor in the School of Education, was listed among AC Online’s Top Education Professors at Affordable Colleges, while Elizabeth Harbron, associate professor in the Department of Chemistry, was listed among the Top Women Professors at Affordable Colleges.

Megan Tschannen-MoranAffordable Colleges Online gathers and presents information on institutions, programs and options in higher education that it deems represent a high return on financial investment.

Megan Tschannen-Moran teaches master's and doctoral students in Educational Policy, Planning and Leadership program. In May, she received the university’s Thomas Ashley Graves, Jr., Award for sustained excellence in teaching. Her nominators for that award said that she nurtures students as both independent learners and members of a scholarly community.

Harbron has won a number of honors for her style of blending instruction with research. She has received the Arts & Sciences Award for Teaching Excellence, the Plumeri Award for Teaching Excellence, the Thomas Jefferson Teaching Award, the Alumni Fellowship Award and was named a Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar.