Computational Operations Research Graduate Portfolio Archive
2009 - 2010
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M. Baker and Sheng, "Modeling Turbulent Financial Derivatives: A Strategy of Nonuniform Schemes for the Black-Scholes Equation in Finance." The Pulse, Vol. 7: 1-18. Spring 2010. Myles Baker, MS, Computational Operations Research.
Kincaid, E. Vargo and N. Alexandrov, "Towards Optimal Transport Networks," Proceedings of the 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2009, Orlando, FL. July 10-13, 2009. Erik P. Vargo, MS, Computational Operations Research.
Joint Mathematics Meetings 2010 Best Undergraduate Presentation Award. 2010. Myles Baker, MS, Computational Operations Research.
Best Paper, Kincaid, E. Vargo and N. Alexandrov, "Towards Optimal Transport Networks," Proceedings of the 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2009, Orlando, FL. July 10-13, 2009. Erik P. Vargo, MS, Computational Operations Research.