About COR
"Operations research" stems from a study of military operations conducted during World War II that sought optimal ways to allocate scarce resources. Today, practitioners model and analyze the behavior of real world systems using advanced analytical and computational techniques to make informed decisions in areas such as healthcare and manufacturing; in service organizations, the military, and government. Sample applications include airline crew scheduling, actuator placement in flexible space structures, efficient image reconstruction, allocation of spare parts, job shop scheduling, reliability, and performance analysis.
Operations research has been taught at William & Mary for over 45 years and the current Computational Operations Research curriculum has been in place since 1999. The COR faculty consists of professors from Applied Science, Computer Science, Public Policy, and Mathematics, and includes experts in convex programming, discrete optimization, nonlinear programming, simulation, statistics, and business analytics.
Core requirements include both Mathematics and Computer Science courses. This is unique and offers students opportunities to take electives in machine learning and data mining. The curriculum strives to be flexible - the thoughtful selection of electives allows students to focus their degree.
The William & Mary COR program is designed for individuals
- with a strong analytical background
- who wish to pursue a professional career that utilizes their quantitative skills
- who are looking for a program more professionally oriented than a typical Master of Science and more technically advanced than the typical Master of Business Administration.
Apply to the Arts & Sciences Graduate Program
INFORMS --Institute For Operations Research and Management Sciences