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Pre-Pilgrimage Survey Consent Form

The general nature of this study entitled "Health and Exercise Attitudes Among Pilgrims of the Hajj," conducted by M. Brennan Harris and Muhammad Amjad is to is to explore the relationship of physical activity attitudes and behaviors pre and post-pilgrimage in participants of the Hajj using an on-line survey. I understand that I will be asked to fill out a survey about my health and exercise habits. My participation in this study should take a total of about 10 minutes. I understand that my responses will be confidential and that my name will not be associated with any results of this study. I know that I may refuse to answer any question asked and that I may discontinue participation at any time. There are no foreseeable risks involved in participating in this study other than those encountered in day-to-day life. I am aware that I may report dissatisfaction with any aspect of this experiment to the Chair of the Protection of Human Subjects Committee at phone 1-855-800-7187 or I am aware that I must be at least 18 years of age to participate. I understand that choosing agree below and continuing on to the survey signifies my consent and voluntary participation in this project.