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Colloquia Discussion Series

Each semester we host colloquia talks presented by faculty and students. These informal sessions are a great way to catch up on current research and share insights and discussion on various topics. Light refreshments are served, and everyone is welcome.

To learn about scheduled brownbag sessions, please consult our Events Calendar. Colloquia usually are hold in Morton 314, the Margaret Gove Seminar Room.

An incomplete sampling of past brownbag topics gives an idea of their range:

  • Achival research on LGBT publications from the 1950s
  • Freedom as flight and detachment in the work of Gabrielle Suchon
  • Feminist abortion politics: Strategic action and gendered belonging
  • The hijras of Pakistan
  • The many masculinities on the popular TV sitcom "Modern Family"
  • Women and ISIS: A complicated relationship
  • Queer health, HIV, and homonormativity
  • Adjudicating sexual assault on campus: Emerging models at U.S. colleges and universities
  • Evangelical women and the unintended consequences of sports ministry
  • Gender identity, sexuality, and "proto-gay" kids
  • Queer scenes: Subtext in life and fiction
  • Animal sympathy and genre parody in Lydia Sigourney's, The Crushed Mouse