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Graduate Research Grants

Graduate Research "Seed Grants" of up to $350

All Arts & Sciences graduate students currently conducting research and in good academic standing are eligible to apply for a “seed grant” of up to $350. Eligible expenses include the procurement of equipment and supplies in support of research, travel for research, and fees for the digitization of materials where archive access is restricted. Fund recipients must work with the appropriate staff member in their graduate program to ensure that anticipated expenses and procurement requests can be covered under and adhere to W&M’s policies.

Be sure to read the detailed Call for Applications for complete information. We will offer three rounds of funding. See deadlines below.

How to Apply:
Before applying, read the Call for Applications for complete instructions. The Research Grant Application form is an online Qualtrics form. On it, you will be asked to provide:
  • An application narrative of no more than 250 words explaining the research and its contribution to the applicant's progress toward degree completion.
  • A budget accompanied by a budget narrative of no more than 200 words justifying the budget items and listing any other funding applied for and/or anticipated, or any cost-sharing measures undertaken.
  • A Research Grant Institutional Compliance Form, which you will be asked to upload to the online form (.PDF). Be sure the form is filled out completely and has been signed before uploading to the Seed Grant Application online.
  • Review process: All applications per award cycle will be evaluated and ranked. Recommendations for funding will be forwarded to the Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies for approval.
  • Fall Research Cycle: October 1, 2024 for research conducted September 1 to December 31, 2024.
  • Spring Research Cycle: December 1, 2024 for research conducted January 1 to May 31, 2025.
  • Summer Research Cycle: April 1, 2025 for research conducted June 1 to August 31, 2025.

Questions? Contact [[dean-gsr]].