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Thesis and Dissertation Awards

Nomination Guidelines

Students must be nominated by their thesis/dissertation advisor. There is no limit to the number of nominations that can be submitted by a department/program. Students earning a degree in August 2023, January 2024, or May 2024, are eligible to be nominated for the 2023-2024 Distinguished Thesis and Dissertation Awards, presented in honor of Virginia Torczon, Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, 2013-2022.


For a nomination to be considered, all of the following materials (.pdf format preferred) must be provided to the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS):

  • A nomination form that has been signed by the Director of Graduate Studies of the respective department/program.
  • A nomination letter from the student’s thesis/dissertation advisor, and a recommendation letter from another faculty member who can evaluate the significance of the thesis or dissertation. The letters must reflect only work pertaining to the student’s thesis/dissertation.
  • Once a student has been nominated, and their final thesis/dissertation has been submitted to the ETD system by the posted Final Submission Deadline of Friday, April 26, 2024, the OGS will access the thesis/dissertation and make it available—along with the other nomination materials—to the review committee.

The 2023-24 deadline for receipt of all required nomination materials (.pdf format preferred) is FridayApril 19, 2024, 4:00 p.m. Please note this is a firm deadline. Nominations that are not complete by the deadline will not be considered.

Submit materials to:

Submit all nomination materials by email to [[dean-gsr,the OGS]].