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Scholarships & Awards

Students who demonstrate special merit are invited to join Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society.

Department Awards

These scholarships are awarded by the Government Department and are available to current students.

McGlennon Scholars Program

The McGlennon Scholars program is designed to provide junior and senior government majors support to complete an Honors project, independent research experience, special course of study or other enrichment to their academic program.

Todd W. Weaver Travel Abroad Award

The award is open to Government and International Relations majors to support study abroad.

Michael Sturm Travel Fund 

Thanks to the generous support provided by alumni, and friends, each year the Department of Government  provides limited, supplementary funding to help defray costs incurred by students taking part in professional academic conferences or traveling for research.

Koenig-Nimmo Foreign Service Award

This award is made each year to a senior from any major who hopes to pursue a career in foreign service with a government agency such as the Department of State.

Warner Moss Prize for Honors

Each year the Department grants the Warner Moss prize to the outstanding senior Honors Thesis in Government.

W&M Scholarships & Awards

These scholarships are awarded by other centers and programs at the College and are available to all students, including government majors.

Charles Center Student Research Grants and Fellowships

The purpose of the Student Research Grants Program is to assist students with expenses directly related to the conduct of research.

Reves Center Scholarships

The Reves Center administers several scholarships supporting students in study abroad.

H. Stewart Dunn, Jr. Civil Liberties Fellowships

These fellowships provide support for undergraduate and law student research, as well as summer internships and post-graduate fellowships with organizations that support or protect civil liberties.