Diversity in Law
Neither the law school population nor the legal profession accurately reflect the vibrant and expanding racial and ethnic populations in the United States. Law schools understand that diverse classes enrich learning opportunities for all students. To promote diversity, law schools actively seek qualified African American, Latinx, Asian, and Native American students, other students of color, low-income, and first generation students. See the programs described below for more information on how they seek to expand opportunities for students.
AccessLex: LexScholars ProgramAccessLex is a nonprofit legal education organization dedicated to bettering legal education and committed to understanding barriers that impede underrepresented groups' access to law schools and improving access for all. They work to identify actions and strategies to make law school more affordable and strengthen its value. Their LexScholars program is a diversity pipeline program that provides resources such as LSAT preparation, financial education, and writing skill development. There are no costs for LexScholars. See the link above for more information.
The American Bar Association's Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO)
CLEO was founded in 1968 as a non-profit project of the American Bar Association. Its mission is to diversify the legal profession by helping minority, low-income and disadvantaged students gain access to law school, successfully matriculate and pass the bar exam. They offer a variety of programs for students at all stages in their undergraduate careers.
DiscoverLaw.org A Commitment to Diversity in Law (LSAC)
The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) is dedicated to the idea that the legal profession must reflect the expanding diversity of our society. That's why LSAC developed the DiscoverLaw.org campaign—to encourage racially and ethnically diverse students to discover career opportunities in law and choose a path in undergraduate school to help them succeed. Law schools throughout the United States and Canada host DiscoverLaw.org events to prepare and inspire ethnically and racially diverse high school and early college students to pursue a legal education.