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Homecoming Reception

Remembering Todd Weaver
Remembering Todd Weaver Terry and John McGlennon are pictured with Jeanne and Donn Weaver, parents of Todd Weaver. The first Todd Weaver Study Abroad Scholarship was presented at the reception.
Political Theory
Political Theory Professors Lombardini and Baltes, two of the Government Department's political theorists, share a laugh.
International Relations
International Relations Professor Mike Tierney, Director of the International Relations Program, makes his remarks.
Catching Up
Catching Up Professor Clay Clemens catches up with a former student, Drew Cockram.
All Smiles
All Smiles Professor John McGlennon is smiling, along with former student Geoff Goodale and his wife.
The Move to Tyler
The Move to Tyler The potential move to Tyler Hall was a topic of discussion. Pictured here are John Hummel and Walter Latham.
Remarks Over 100 people listened as the two department chairs and the two program directors gave short talks highlighting the past year and plans for the future.
Econ Don Campbell, a professor in the Department of Economics, chats with a former student.
Remarks Eric Jensen, Director of the Public Policy Program, offers his perspective.
Making New Acquaintances
Making New Acquaintances Professor David Feldman, Chair of the Department of Economics, converses with an alum.

Over 100 faculty, staff, alumni and special guests gathered Saturday morning in Blow 201 for a memorable Homecoming reception.  While they reconnected with old friends and made new acquaintances, all were treated to wonderful breakfast foods (including omelettes made to order) and a slideshow of years past.  For those who looked hard enough, there was also a smaller slideshow of Morton: Underground and Underwater.

David Newbrander with Jeanne and Donn WeaverThe chairs of Government and Economics, as well as the Directors of Public Policy and International Relations made brief remarks.  All are looking forward to the day when faculty can be housed together in Tyler Hall in a way that lends itself to collaboration and innovation.

The first Todd Weaver Study Abroad Scholarship  was awarded to David Newbrander ('13).  The Weaver family was on hand to meet the recipient and participate in the presentation of the award.