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Supplemental Compensation for Instruction

Title: Supplemental Compensation for Instruction
Created: 2024


When A&S hires someone into a full-time position, the expectation is that the work will fill 40 hour/week. For TTE faculty, research-teaching-service is generally represented in a 2:2:1 ratio. For most TF, teaching 6 courses per academic year is considered full time.   

Staff members – either administrative or professional – are hired with work responsibilities intended to occupy full-time employment. When course delivery is not part of the position, affiliate faculty status from the relevant department or program as well as supervisor approval are required.  

When individuals are hired, they are viewed as professionals who are capable of scheduling themselves so that all work obligations are covered. Across A&S, regular candid conversations with colleagues and supervisors about how work is being accomplished and discussions about priorities and workflow are expected. If there are concerns about whether work responsibilities are covered, these should be discussed with supervisors and documented as needed. Part of that conversation may relate to possible issues with competing professional responsibilities within or outside of W&M.   


If the Dean’s office identifies an exceptional need and an employee at W&M wishes to teach a course beyond their contractual responsibilities at W&M or elsewhere, the direct supervisor, if applicable, the Department Chair/Program Director, and corresponding Vice-Dean(s) must approve the request. Typically, extra teaching requests will originate with the Dean’s office in partnership with the unit head. Regardless of type of appointment, compensation is at the standard adjunct rate in the host unit for the course (prorated if teaching duties are assumed for less than a full semester). The limit is no more than 2 extra courses or 8 credits per academic year, excluding Summer and Winter Terms.  

When considering extra teaching requests, the following factors should be taken into account:   

  • Curricular need  
  • Downstream curricular impact 
  • Available budget 
  • Instructor qualifications  

If a TTE faculty member takes on additional instruction, there are two options to recognize the work:  

  1. additional teaching is considered part of flexible merit and teaching is weighted more than research 
  2. the TTE faculty member is compensated at the standard adjunct rate in the host unit for the course.   

Teaching faculty are focused entirely on instruction and can be on short-term contracts or long-term employment agreements. If a Teaching Faculty member is fulfilling all aspects of their professional work, with the approval of their Chair/Director and Vice Dean, they may opt to take on more instruction. In this case, the Teaching Faculty member will be compensated at the standard adjunct rate in the host unit for the course.   

If a PPF staff member is fulfilling all aspects of their professional work, with the approval of their supervisor and Vice Dean, as well as the appropriate faculty affiliate status, they may take on some or additional instruction. If a PPF staff member has not been hired with instruction within their professional responsibilities and they are asked to teach, the host unit must assume responsibility for mentoring and supervising the faculty member. When PPF staff take on instruction beyond their contracted responsibilities, they will be compensated at the standard adjunct rate in the host unit for the course.