COLL 350 Subcommittee
The Educational Policy Committee (EPC) delegates the review of COLL 350 proposals to an appointed subcommittee. The review may include communication to the faculty member about the proposal. Proposals fully aligned with the Arts & Sciences Faculty and EPC criteria are forwarded to the EPC for final approval. Additionally, the subcommittee collaborates with the EPC and the Center for the Liberal Arts (CLA) in the following ways:
- Advise the EPC on refinements to the course criteria and the Curriculog proposal form.
- Advise the CLA on areas indicated for faculty development.
The subcommittee consists of at least five (5) members:
- One faculty member on EPC
- Faculty members representing Areas I, II, III
- One former faculty fellow from the Center for the Liberal Arts
- Chair, Assessment Steering Committee (ex officio)
Subcommittee members serve 1-year, renewable terms and typically meet at least monthly during the academic semesters. Priority is given to the selection of members who have taught a COLL 350.
2022-23 Subcommittee Members
- Magali Compan, Modern Languages & Literatures, EPC (chair)
- Michael Gaynes, Art & Art History, former CLA Fellow
- Chris Nemacheck, Government, former CLA Fellow
- Iyabo Osiapem, English, Linguistics, Africana Studies
- Denise Ridley-Johnston, Insitutional Effectiveness & Assessment
- Margaret Saha, Biology