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Student Resources

Admissions, Declaration & Information
Declaring the Data Science Major - A guide to declaring DS at William & Mary.
Minor in Data Science - A guide to how to declare your minor in Data Science.
Ph.D. Program Overview - Overview of the Ph.D. Program, including a guide for how to apply.

Undergraduate Forms
Course substitution form - Fill this out if you want to replace a course in the DATA curriculum with an equivalent course you took outside of the department (at William & Mary or otherwise).

Graduate Forms
Application for DATA 690: Readings in Data Science - Fill this out if you are a Ph.D. student enrolled in a specialized track and want to take one-on-one coursework with an advisor.
Summer Travel Authorization - Fill this out if you will be leaving Williamsburg for a period of longer than 2 weeks while being funded as a GTA or GRA of the department.