Bo Wu is the recipient of a Research Fellowship from the IBM Center for Advanced Studies (CAS).
Bo Wu is the recipient of a Research Fellowship from the IBM Center for Advanced Studies (CAS).
Xipeng Shen has been selected to receive the prestigious Department of Energy Office of Science Fiscal Year 2011 Early Career Research Award.
Eddy Zheng Zhang has been selected as a recipient of the 2011 Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship. While the department has been the home of two prior finalists (Anne Huang, B.S. '05, and Meghan Revelle, Ph.D. '10), Eddy is the first William & Mary student to be a recipient of this prestigious scholarship.
Professor Phil Kearns is to receive a 2011 Thomas A. Graves, Jr. Award for Sustained Excellence in Teaching.
The Board of Visitors at its meeting on April 15, 2011, approved the recommendation of Provost Michael Halleran that Haining Wang be designated the Wilson P. and Martha Claiborne Stephens Term Distinguished Associate Professor of Computer Science for a three-year term, effective with the beginning of the 2011-12 academic year.
George Albert (Bert) Cortina and Harry Gao have been selected for the 2010/11 Stephen K. Park Undergraduate Scholarship Award. The award is presented annually at the Department of Computer Science diploma ceremony to at least one student earning a B.S. in Computer Science at William & Mary.
Mark Nauta and Jennifer Thorne have been selected as Phi Beta Kappa Spring 2011 Initiates, the highest academic honor awarded to liberal arts students in the United States.
Isil and Tom Dillig are currently doctoral students in the Stanford Computer Science Department. They have accepted offers to join the Department of Computer Science at William & Mary as Assistant Professors, starting with the Spring 2012 semester.
Computer Science doctoral student Fengyuan Xu is one of two recipients of the 2010-2011 Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring in the Natural and Computational Sciences. Fengyuan will be the first Computer Science graduate student to receive this award.
“There are a lot of different things you can do with this degree that never would have crossed my mind when I graduated,” says Kara Snyder Smith '05.
Computer Science and Mathematics double major is admired for his tenacity in researching difficult problems.
Heng Yin (Ph.D., 2009) has been awarded an NSF CAREER grant for "Binary and Virtualization Centric Malware Defense." Heng is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University.
Zia-ur (Zia) Rahman, a former member of the Department of Computer Science, was killed December 16 in a single-car accident when his car ran off an icy road and struck a guardrail on Interstate 81.
Gang Zhou has been awarded a Faculty Interdisciplinary Initiatives Grant funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the Humanities.
Already an accomplished researcher, Harry Gao is on his way to an impressive computer science career.
Rance Necaise (Ph.D. '98) is the author of the new book "Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python" (Wiley, 2010). Rance's new book gives programmers complete coverage of abstraction and basic data structures and algorithms in the Python language.
George Albert (Bert) Cortina has been elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Membership in Phi Beta Kappa, founded at William & Mary in 1776, is the highest academic honor awarded to liberal arts students in the United States.
William & Mary students performed well at the ACM Regional Programming Contest held at Christopher Newport University.
Kevin Howell was the top vote-getter in a closely contested election to chose one of three designs for the limited-edition 2010-2011 Computer Science T-shirt.
A paper by Lei Lu with Andrew Caniff, Ningfang Mi, Lucy Cherkasova, and Evgenia Smirni won the Best Student Paper Award at the 22nd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 22) that was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 7-9.
A paper on which Prof. Gang Zhou collaborated has won the Best Paper Award at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2010).
A paper by Denys Poshyvanyk in collaboration with Béla Újházi, Rudolf Ferenc and Tibor Gyimóthy from the University of Szeged receives the Best Paper Award at the 10th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2010).
A paper by Malcom Gethers and Denys Poshyvanyk won the Distinguished Paper Award at the 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2010).
Prof. Poshyvanyk was awarded an NSF grant on Software Maintenance, which is a collaborative project with Huzefa Kagdi at Winston-Salem State University.
Prof. Denys Poshyvanyk was awarded an NSF grant to support a 3-year project on software traceability.