Student Scholarships
Each year, the Chemistry Department awards several academic and summer research scholarships to students. The scholarships have been established with funds from alumni and friends of the department. Student recipients of these awards are chosen by the chair of the department in consultation with the faculty.
Debra Allison ScholarshipThis scholarship supports a chemistry student participating in the chemistry summer research program. Preference is given to students interested in medical chemistry, biochemistry or pharmaceutical related chemistry. |
Dr. Alfred Armstrong ScholarshipProvides an academic scholarship to chemistry majors who are residents of Virginia. |
Marga Larson Bales ScholarshipProvides an academic scholarship to chemistry majors who are interested in teaching. |
Patricia Barry ScholarshipProvides a four year academic scholarship for undergraduate students with a strong interest in chemistry. This scholarship will be awarded during the student’s freshman year and will be awarded for each consecutive year if they fulfill specific requirements. |
Samuel & Alice Bessman ScholarshipThis scholarship alternately supports a chemistry or a biology student participating in summer research. |
James T. Cranmer ScholarshipThis scholarship supports chemistry students participating in the chemistry summer research program. |
Robert L. Greene ScholarshipThis scholarship supports a chemistry student participating in the chemistry summer research program. The student must be intensely dedicated to a career in chemistry. |
Kranbuehl-Thompson Graduate FellowshipThis fellowship provides an increase in the graduate stipend for the top chemistry graduate students. |
Chemistry Summer Research ScholarshipsThe Chemistry Department also has several other funds that are used to support students participating in chemistry summer research. |