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Weingartner Global Initiative

A key part of the Weingartner Global Initiative is the Weingartner Term Professorship, which was established through a generous gift from Mary Anne Cody and the late Werner Weingartner in 2008.  This professorship supports faculty-student collaborative research on international policy issues, which may include topics that are global in nature and related to local or regional issues.

Weingartner Professor

The Weingartner Professor is appointed for a three-year term and is not renewable.  The recipient will receive an annual $5,000 stipend and up to $3,000 annually in research support and is responsible for teaching a seminar relating to international policy issues during the summer or academic year. In addition, summer research stipends that account for associated expenses will be awarded to up to four undergraduate student collaborators. The faculty member will work with the Charles Center to coordinate the student fellows program.


1)  All tenured faculty with research interests concerning international policy issues, including deliberative democracy, are eligible for consideration.

2)  Nominees should have an excellent record as teachers and scholars, and a demonstrated commitment to mentoring and collaborating with students in their research.

3)  Because the professorship includes student stipends and supervision of student fellows, eligible faculty are expected to have a presence on campus during the 3-year term of this professorship, 2025-26 through 2027-28.

Nomination Process:

1)  Nominations, including self-nominations, are encouraged from all faculty.  

2)  Nominations, including self-nominations, must include a two-page letter that includes:

  • a description of the international policy research project on which the faculty member will work with student fellows
  • a summary of the applicant’s commitment to incorporating students in their research
  • a summary of the specific role that undergraduate student fellows will have in the proposed research project. It is expected that students will be brought into the research as true collaborators and not just as assistants to perform basic tasks.

3)  The letter of nomination and current cv must be combined as one PDF file.