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Who Does What

aka: Web Site Governance

Arts & Sciences has a distributed model of web governance. What this means is that individual units are responsible for the content on their sites. We consider this to be a matter of academic freedom. No one has better information about a unit, or can better speak to it's mission and goals, than the faculty of that unit.

The A&S Web Specialist can advise units on how to present content, and will occasionally perform maintenance on content that is standardized across units (the Support and Visit Us pages, for example). But we will not edit a unit's site without direction or permission from that unit. Neither will employees of Web & Design.

Main Players
  • Web Specialist. One of the Cascade managers for the A&S site. Provides technical and content assistance for all A&S units. They also create reports on the use and state of A&S web sites, and can help with big, structural changes to your site. If you have Cascade questions or if you want help planning or implementing a big web project, contact this person. 
  • Director of Communications for Arts & Sciences. Another Cascade Manager for the A&S site. Directs overall messaging strategy for Arts & Sciences.
  • University Web & Design - Maintains Cascade and the template used throughout the W&M site. Provides basic Cascade training for non-A&S editors and for A&S editors when the A&S Web Specialist is not available. Also responsible for top-level W&M pages, the Events Calendar, and several micro-sites.
  • Information Technology (IT) - Maintains the servers that run all of W&M's internet assets. They also maintain the WordPress server at
A&S Web Roles

Note that these roles can overlap. Contacts are usually also editors, for example. 

  • Website Owners: Department Chairs and Program Directors are the owners of the content on their unit's site. They have the ultimate responsibility for what appears on their units' sites, including events pulled in from the events calendar.
  • Web Contacts - The people to contact with recommendations for their sites such as news story recommendations, typo fixes, etc. These folks are designated by their chairs or program directors.
  • Web Editors Web editors are responsible for routine maintenance of the web site: updating directory information, fixing typos, tweaking content, etc. Many times the web editor is also the web contact. If a program has several editors, their work should be coordinated by the website owners and/or contacts.
  • Events Calendar Administrators/Editors: Anyone can be an editor or administrator for an event calendar. Administrators for a calendar can add other editors or administrators.  No formal training is needed.