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Andrews Gallery

Andrews Gallery showcases current work in the various media and studio areas taught at William & Mary, including ceramics, painting, drawing, printmaking, architecture, sculpture, and photography. During the school year, the Gallery features a half-dozen or so exhibitions of invited artists, along with regular exhibitions of work by students and new faculty in the Art & Art History Department.

2023 Senior Exhibition
2023 Senior Exhibition
Exhibition themes in recent years have included From Abstraction to Representation; Plein-Aire Revisited; Wood Fired Pots: Three Minnesota Potters; Concerning the Landscape; Pictorial Strategies; and Four Printmakers. Gallery talks, lectures, and workshops by the visiting artists often add to the teaching value of the exhibitions.
Hours & Location

During an exhibition, the Gallery will be open 10am - 4pm Mon-Fri, and is located in Andrews Hall, opposite Swem Library and to the rear of the Arts Complex construction* on Jamestown Rd. Parking permit may be required during the day. Call 757.221.4764 for parking information.

*Directions during construction activity:
The best parking area is directly in front of the Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall) building next to the Muscarelle Museum. From this location, follow the brick walkway around the back of the Muscarelle. This leads to the Andrews Hall entrance that faces the Swem Library.

William & Mary, including the Andrews Gallery, is encouraging visitors to follow health safety guidelines recommended by the Virginia Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Map showing Fine Arts Complex construction
Map showing Fine Arts Complex construction