Get to know the W&M campus and community on Instagram through the eyes of a different person each week. Then, sign up to host and show us your W&M story.
Mark your calendar for Wednesday, April 2, and join us for One Tribe One Day, W&M's annual giving day! Get ready for an unforgettable day of Tribe Pride with a retro vibe.
Jabbur, Mike Associate Professor of Art On leave: Fall 2023-Spring 2024
Office: Old Power Plant (Ceramics)
Phone: (757) 221-2523
Email: Area of Specialization: Ceramics
Kreydatus, Brian Professor of Art Office: Matoaka Art Studios 105
Phone: (757) 221-2631
Email: Areas of Specialization: Printmaking and Life Drawing
Lee, John Associate Professor of Art Office: Andrews Hall 216
Phone: (757) 221-2607
Email: Area of Specialization: Painting
Lowery, Jayson Teaching Professor of Art Office: Andrews Hall 204/205, inside Room 203
Phone: (757) 221-2524
Email: Area of Specialization: Sculpture