Typical Plan of Study
for Students in the Ph.D. program
Year 1
- ANTH600 - Socio-Cultural Theory (3)
- Linguistic Anthropology (3) and/or
- Biological Anthropology (3)
- Elective [ANTH690 Directed Research and ANTH790 Independent Study can count] (3-6)
- ANTH603 - Archaeological Theory (3)
- Linguistic Anthropology (3) and/or
- Biological Anthropology (3)
- Two elective classes (6)
- Presentation and Paper prospectus due
Year 2
- Three elective classes (3)
- Language Examination due
- ANTH800 - Dissertation (3)
- ANTH640 - Presentation and Paper (3)
- Presentation and Paper due
- ANTH800 - Dissertation (3)
- Two elective classes (6)
- Draft grant proposal (due September 1)
Year 3
- Qualifying Examination due
- Dissertation proposal defense
Year 4
- Grant proposal submission
- Begin dissertation research
Year 5+
- Dissertation research and writing