RBC Course Credit
The courses you take at Richard Bland College will determine your readiness to take advanced courses at William & Mary. We recommend specific courses you can take while at RBC to create a transfer pathway (pdf) towards your intended major. Students should always select courses after consulting with their RBC advisor.
Junior Status
William & Mary grants junior status to entering transfer students who come from Richard Bland College with a completed Associate of Arts, Associate of Sciences or Associate of Arts & Sciences degree in a baccalaureate-oriented program. You may wait until the end of your first semester at W&M to declare your major.
Foreign Language Proficiency
It is recommended for all transfer students to complete the requirements for W&M’s foreign language proficiency. Foreign language proficiency may be met through four years of a language in high school, or completion of a college language course at the 202 level.
Transferrable RBC Courses
Students should plan college course selections carefully using the RBC Transfer Guide (pdf) which lists all accepted courses from RBC. You may be able to transfer into W&M with some of your COLL and proficiency requirements. Ideally, students will have fulfilled their language and mathematics proficiencies prior to transfer. Coursework will be officially evaluated by the University Registrar after admission.