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Eligibility Requirements for Undergraduates

Be a High School Graduate

To be eligible for aid, students must have a high school diploma or equivalent or have a certificate indicating they have completed a home-study program recognized by their home state.

Be Enrolled in an Approved Degree Program

Students must be enrolled in an approved degree-seeking program to be eligible for any College's financial aid. Students studying in an approved study abroad program are eligible for financial aid from the College. Learn more about aid while studying abroad.

Credit Hours

Undergraduate students must register for at least twelve credit hours each semester to receive a full financial aid award package. FLEX track and Undergraduates who receive prior approval from the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs to take a less than full-time course load (approved underload) may have their financial aid award reduced as required by federal regulations and institutional policies. Note, a minimum of six hours is required to access the Federal Direct Student Loan Program as an undergraduate student. 

Be a U.S. Citizen or an Eligible Non-Citizen

Students must be United States citizens or classified as eligible non-citizens to be considered eligible for federal, state, and institutional financial assistance. Students must fit one of the following categories to be considered eligible non-citizens:

Citizen not born in the United States
  • Certificate of Citizenship (must have student's name, the certificate number, and the date the certificate was issued.)
  • Certificate of Naturalization (must have student's name, certificate number, Alien Registration Number, name of the court, and the date where naturalization occurred.)
  • Certificate of Birth Abroad (must have embossed seal "United States of America" and "State Department."
  • U.S. Passport
Non-citizen National
  • U.S. Passport (must be stamped "Non-citizen National")
  • Have an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) indicating a status of: "Refugee," "Asylum Granted," "Cuban-Haitian Entrant," "Conditional Entrant" (valid only if issued before 4/1/1980), or "Parolee."
  • You have a T-Visa, or you have a parent with a T-1 Visa.
  • You are a "battered immigrant-qualified alien."
  • You are a citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau.
  • A student that qualifies for eligibility under the Jay Treaty of 1789
Permanent Resident
  • Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551 - "Green Card") or the Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-151)
  • Foreign Passport (must be stamped "processed for I-551" with expiration date)
  • I-94 (must be stamped "Processed for I-551" with expiration date or "Temporary Form I-551" with appropriate information filled in)
Have a Valid Social Security Number

Students must have a valid Social Security Number to receive financial aid. Exceptions to this rule are students from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau.

If you do not meet any of the FAFSA filing criteria and you are a Virginia student, then you may be eligible to file the VASA

Not in Default on a Federal Loan or Owe a Refund on a Grant

To be eligible for financial assistance, students must not default on any federal loan or owe any refund on a Federal Pell Grant or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant.

Demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, according to the standards and practices of the College. Students who fail to maintain satisfactory progress may not receive federal Title IV assistance or state and College need-based grants and scholarships. If your time at the College extends beyond 10 regular semesters, you will not be awarded any College grant funds. You will be able to receive federal loans and if you are eligible, the Pell grant for two additional semesters (based on your Pell grant usage).